Don't forget about My Countdown to Christmas. EVERY week from now until Christmas I am giving away a Cricut Cartridge. How can YOU win one? All you have to do is comment once on everything I post here and that is how you are entered to win. Each week starts on Friday morning (NOW) until Thursday night at 11:59pm EST then on Friday morning I announce a winner from the past week. They are picked at random so you never know if you might win and you never know what Cricut Cartridge I will give away until I announce the winner and what they have won.
Also don't forget when I post everyday if you click on the website go and comment there too. I will also be pulling winners from the blogs that are showcased on my blog everyday (made by my design team)
Today's Countdown to Christmas winner will get the
Cupcake Cricut Lite Cartridge
The winner is......
I am so glad to be apart of this! You are amazing!!
Also the winners from last weekend's blog hop are......
From day ONE
Winner of the K. Andrew Design Splashtastic Summer Stamp Set
First thanks for putting together an amazing hop. Second thanks for the chance to win. Third I enjoyed going to all the hop stops and it has inspired me to try some new things and products.
Winner of the Cupcake Lite Cricut Cartridge is.... Mad Crafter said... Wonderful job ladies:) Thank you for sharing your time and talent:) Saturday group ROCKED the hop and I know the Sunday group will too!
From Day TWO
The winner of the K. Andrew Splash-tastic Summer Stamp Set is....
Erica, because of your "hops" I am now totally hooked. Everyone is so wonderful for sharing their awesome talent. They inspire all of us to keep trying and to know that there is a a little creative genius in all of us! Thank you so much for all you do.
Winner of the Cupcake Lite Cricut Cartridge is....
grammiej said... what a nice event!! I have really enjoyed all the blog spots along both days
The winner of the Cricut Personal Machine was ........#20, Susan
Congrats and thank you for joining us on Ustream Wednesday!

Also the final winner of the cards for St. Jude's Project Sunshine and Smiles that I have been putting together the final week's winner was Suzy's Crafts, she won the cricut Everyday Cartridge and Cricut Circle exclusive! If you would still like to make cards for the Kids at St. Jude's Children's Hospital, I will be taking these cards to them October 31, 2011, so as long as they are in the mail by October 20,
I will have them in time to go! Project Sunshine and Smiles was something I created. Earlier in the summer we made cards for Operation Write home where we made cards for our soldiers to use to write home. I wanted to collect 100 cards and got over 500. So I wanted to do something more, so I decided I would collect cards from around the world for me to take to the kids at St. Jude's. Those children are suffering with various illnesses and cancer. I thought if we could collect 5,000 cards to take to them, how much would it make them smile to pick out their own card, just because!, I thought it would make them smile and I plan to bring as much sunshine with me into each room to deliver these cards. My daughter is also going to help me. she is three but everyday when we get a box she asks is it Cricut Cartridges or cards for the kids at the hospital. She is SO excited to go. I only was able to collect 3,000---- Still an amazing number of cards. If you would like to participate, you can make ANY type of card, happy day, get well soon....etc. Please write a little note in them. The ONLY rule is please do not remind these children of their illnesses. You can make it, or kids can make these cards, you can make 100 or 1. Seriously even ONE card is a way to make a child smile. I cannot wait to do this project and actually take them and pull a wagon around and let each child pick a card of their choice. You can make it any size, with or without an envelope. It might be better without them so they can see what they pick, but kids, like adults might want a surprise to see what type of card is in the envelope. I would love to take some pictures as I do it, but I will have to see if the parents give permission, you know with all of the new privacy laws, i might not be able to do that. But I will at least ask!
You can mail the card or cards to
Project Sunshine and Smiles
c/o Erica's Craft Room
4364 LaBurnum Drive
Akron, Ohio 44319
I have give aways ALL of the time, check here and check on facebook! You won't want to miss it!
As special Festive bonus, today there are
over 20 items for only $10 in my webstore! You can always add other stuff to your $10 ;) Shipping is always a flat $5 no matter what you order! Also, there are over 30 items under $20
Click here to view the specials
Tuesday is when I will be adding Crafting tools and paper packs to the webstore! Here are just a few things that will be added. I will be offering GREAT prices. But I place the order from the warehouse when you order, so to offer such low rates I do not keep all items in stock, they will ship 5 days from the order. This is the only way to give such low prices. It takes a few extra days, but it will be worth it for the low prices.
Cricut cartridges that are not in stock ship in 10 days,
ALL other items ship within 5 days. I will also be hiring someone to help me with orders and shipping so we can get your items out ot you as fast as possible.
I do take special orders so use Contact Me on the store to ask a question to buy something if you don't see it there, most likely I can order it for you (except Retired Cricut Cartridges) There are a few I can get though.
If you were one of the lucky winners today, please email me with your name address and 'what you won' and please put WINNER as the subject of the email.
Shipping for cartridges won is $3.50, stamps are $2
You can pay shipping for your prize via paypal to please add a note of 'what you won'
Thank you and have a wonderful Friday!
Don't forget to stop back tomorrow for Scrapbook Saturday!