Just a little reminder. I am giving away the full size Cricut Cake machine. To be entered comment on ALL of my blog postings in April. One comment per post. Who ever has the most comments wins it! You can go back and comment and catch up.
Also May's blog promotion..... 31 days of $31 giveaways
What fun!!!
kym used create a critter cartridge and the Expression 2 to make this card. Please visit her blog to see the finished project. http://kimmyskards.blogspot.com
Sheila used Robotz in making today's card. Visit her blog at http://www.2pawprints.blogspot.com for details.
Sarah used tags,bags,boxes and more 2 along with flower shoppe to create her project. To see more please visit her blog at http://craftingwithsarah.blogspot.com
Liz used Fancy Frames and Art Philosophy to make this scrapbook page. To see the rest of her project visit her blog at http://tryin2craft.blogspot.com
Janet used the Hoot and Holler Lite Cartridge to make this layout featuring her youngest daughter. Be sure to check it out over at her blog http://janetscreativeworld.blogspot.com
It’s A Hoot!
Christina used her Gypsy and Gypsy Wanderings Cricut Cartridge for her scrapbook page today. Please visit her blog: http://cema1cema.blogspot.com
Lisa Chamberlain used Teen Scene and Life's a Beach cartridges to make this Beach themed scrapbook page. Please visit her blog http://lisacustomscrapbooking.blogspot.com/ to see more projects like this today.
Doris used the Independence day and Stand and Salute cartridge to make a card. To see more please go to her blog at http://mybugandmecreate.blogspot.com
Mary used Life’s A Beach, Sponge Bob Square Pants and Stretch Your imagination to create her beach theme project. You can find the details on her blog: http://Mary-fortheloveofart.blogspot.com
Doris has created a Christmas card using The Good Old Days Imagine cartridge. Please go to her blog to see more at http://mybugandmecreate.blogspot.com
ClaireR used the Cricut cartridge Winter Wonderland to create her
count down to Christmas card. To see the complete project please visit
Hey everyone we are SUPER busy behind the scenes right now.
Here we go....
1. It is card creating Tuesday so the new card challenge is going up, but I think by assigning colors to it, it was to limiting, so ANY colors go now!
Remember you can enter up to 3 times
2. Last Tuesday I had Inlinkz pick the winner, yet no winner?!?!
So the winner for April 17 is - #7 Ava
3. Winner for April 24 is- #2 JENNY
4. New challenge posted
5. The webstore- EXPLODED TODAY!!! In a good way!!! Over the past week we have added over 2000 NEW items to the webstore, make sure that you check out the following categories- Martha Stewart has over 500 items, SMASH items were added with all of the fun and new stuff, The PAPER category is growing DAILY a few hundred items each day :) There are a few extra things in the paper category so we will get those put in the right place soon.
6. The 33% off code is 33 and it will take 33% off your total purchase, except ProvoCraft items (Cricut cartridges, they are only $15-$32 EVERYDAY :)
7. Don't forget to put your name on the right side of my blog and follow the instructions on where to send a self addressed stamped envelope for your 3 FREE Action Wobbles from The Scrapbooking Queen.
8. Feel free to download the most up to date Cricut cartridge list directly from my blog on the top left. I posted the Excel and Word formats for you all!
9. Our design team is having agarage sale!!! Whoo-Hoo! What fun! Next Thursday our sale will kick off. Right now the group is "closed" please request to be added to the group and once we have all of our items listed I will APPROVE you into the group....
The crafty garage sale is Thursday April 26- Saturday April 28
EVERYONE will get approved into the group on Thursday the 26th.
At this time it is only open for Design Team members to sell their items. This is a temporary group and will be deleted after the event.... I know there are other crafty sales and crafty auctions. This is not to replace any of those. This is a one weekend only event.
10. I am looking to sponsor some blogs for a 6-12 month period. In exchange to be YOUR EXCLUSIVE CRAFT SUPPLY STORE on your blog.
With a store blinkie on your blog for a 6-12 months. I will also sponsor blog candy for one hop. Would anyone be interested? If so please email me EricaCraftRoom@aol.com subject PROMO I will pick a few people, please also list your blog in the request.
On this card Shelley used Paper Lace 2, Lori's Garden and Cricut Craftroom Basics. For more information on this project please visit her blog http://shelley-scrapbookingforfun.blogspot.com/
Liz used the Base Camp cartridge to create a thank you card. To see the entire project visit her blog at http://tryin2craft.blogspot.com
I am still a little under the weather. But I am still keeping busy!
Spring is here, well I am in Ohio in on the other side of the state they are expected to get 12" of snow tonight! About an hour north of my they are expected to get 8" of snow. I cannot believe this, the flowers have all already bloomed and everything is filling in on the trees, it is crazy.....
Ok a few notes please don't forget to day is the last day to enter the Card challenge and it is such a fun one. You may enter up to 3 cards, a winner is picked at random so why not try!
Here is the sketch to use.... have fun and tell us what your 'animal' sees in the window
Don't forget about the Mother's Day SUPER SALE
33% off your total purchase until May 13 (Mother's Day)
Enter the code 33 during the 3rd step of check out as your coupon code.
It works on all items expect Provo Craft
(the Cricut Cartridges are already all marked down)
Now ALL cartridges are $32 and under,
even the newest cartridges are on sale for $32 now.
Also see the side of my blog for free Action Wobbles.
On the top left of my blog is a free download for the updated
Cricut Cartridges in Microsoft Word and Excel.
Also sign up on the top left of my blog for webstore coupons and newsletter
Now to today's project by the design team. Make sure to look at yesterday's action packed and fun-filled post.
Heather E. created this lovely card using Lori's Garden cartridge. To view the entire project please visit her blog at http:\\pinkpunkcosmo.blogspot.com
Miranda used Better Together Cricut Imagine Cartridge for her project today. To see the full project please visit her blog http://www.nanasscrapspot.com.
Marji used the Imagine More Cards to make this gift set. Please visit her blog for the details.
Tracy used Forever Young and Indie Art to make this cute little gift bag that is fit for a Queen! To see the whole project and instructions on how it was made, please visit her at http://scrappininthewoods.blogspot.com/
Raquel made this Queen Bee treat holder for todays Letter of the Day. To see the full project, please visit her blog at http://kraftykaboose.blogspot.com/
kym used the Create a critter cartridge and the Expression 2 machine to make this card. Please visit her blog to see the finished project. http://kimmyskards.blogspot.com
Well we are deep into planning for May here are just a few things.....
All month long for the challenges the colors will be:
Candy Apple, Tangerine and Lemon (red, orange and yellow)
We did Cool colors last month and now Hot colors this month! (Well next month)
So if you enter any of the challenges next month those are the colors to you ALL May. We have also picked the theme of flowers so you will see a to of May Flowers!
I decided to keep the same colors for a month this way if you buy a pack of cardstock....
you can use it all month.
For all of the Card Creating Tuesdays, in addition to our post of that week's sketch challenge we are also going to pick a different flower each Tuesday to use.
On Wednesdays we will use various feature keys from cartridges as well as using several touchy-feely embellishments. We will show you Flower Soft, Flocking, Stickles and Fibers/Canvas.
All of the Ustream classes have been Scheduled for Wednesdays in May. We will how you a touchy-feely embellishment in our Wednesday postings, then that night at 8:00pm I will show you how to use those items.
Then with June Weddings just around the corner.... the entire month of May on Theme Day Thursdays the theme is wedding, the first week will be Something OLD, then the following week- something New, the next week something Borrow, and the last week- Something Blue
Scrapbook Friday themes will be Mother/Daughter Tea/sleepover and just girly! Then Weddings, Christmas and then Pets.
So an exciting action packed month of May.
First don't forget about the weekly card challenge I have EVERY week there is a new challenge. The winner is picked at random so even if you are a beginning, it is a great first step to sharing your work with others and you can win something in the process.
Next our design team is having a garage sale!!! Whoo-Hoo! What fun! Next Thursday our sale will kick off. Right now the group is "closed" please request to be added to the group and once we have all of our items listed I will APPROVE you into the group....
The crafty garage sale is Thursday April 26- Saturday April 28
EVERYONE will get approved into the group on Thursday the 26th.
At this time it is only open for Design Team members to sell their items. This is a temporary group and will be deleted after the event.... I know there are other crafty sales and crafty auctions. This is not to replace any of those. This is a one weekend only event.
Also don't forget to comment on ALL of my postings in April....
Yes you can go back a comment on any that you missed.
The person with the most comments will win a FULL SIZE Cricut Cake Machine!!!
And personal Web-classes with me to use it!
One comment per posting will be counted. So you only need to comment on each post once.
But if I posted 2 times on a day, comment once on both postings, that way you get a few extra points.
VERY easy... who wouldn't want to win a Cricut Cake Machine!!!
OK now on to the good stuff......
I got a box from Theresa The Scrapbooking Queen---
I got my new stamps and the stamps for the giveaway from last weekend's blog hop.
In my box was 400 ACTION WOBBLES......... YES 400!!!!! Wobble Wobble Wow!
That is over $200 in WOBBLES!!!
So here is what we are going to do with them....
Because they were a gift and we have to say 'thank you' for our gift...
we have to use them for the Wobble Wednesday challenge blog....
So Basically you get something for free, to enter to win something for free.....
come on I know you all can do that! So I have 400 wobbles to giveaway.....
I would like to give each person 3 of them.
One to use, one to share with a friend and one just in case of a mistake!
So I have 133 people to share these with.....
33 of my design team will get them,
then 50 who place an order from me and add the note "Action Wobbles Please"
Then there is the sign up for 50 people on my blog.
It will close at 50 people....This is over on the right hand side of my blog.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Look at the top of my blog over on this side >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
All you have to do is send me a self addressed stamped envelope and
I will mail you back your 3 Action Wobbles..... Just a regular stamp is enough.
Please see the full detail on the right of my blog to sign up AND where to send your envelope to.
You will know if you are one of the 50 because you will sign up for it to the
right of this post on my blog....
Once you add your name, send in your self addressed stamped
envelope to me and I will get them back out to you.
I will also attach the website and instructions for the challenge
and how to get more Wobbles!!! Trust me you are going to LOVE them!!!!
Here is the link to check them out if you have never seen them
before and also this week's Action Wobble challenge....
I have also attached this week's Card Challenge so check it out you may enter up to 3 times! (This will also count for a point toward the Cricut Cake Machine)
Also the Friday and Saturday night Ustream classes have been set as well.
Now that I have hired help I can schedule the Ustream classes and not have to reschedule any of them!
We are growing AND hiring!!!!
I have hired to help with the webstore and with shipping.
I am looking for some people in the Akron Ohio area to teach some craft classes. Everyone has their own style and sometimes what I like the nest person doesn't, this is part of why the design team is so diverse. Well classes are the same. I have a style when I make cards or scrapbook pages. I am not good at altered art or vintage looking things. Also some people like simple projects and some like crazy busy projects. It is always best to work in your own tastes, it comes natural so I am looking for a few other style types to teach some classes. I will be doing all of the how-to classes. But I am looking for some to make and then do a 1-2 hour class to put the project together. This can be anything it does not have to be cards or scrapbook pages. Please email me if you are interested in this and I will set up a an interview. EricaCraftRoom@aol.com
We are adding so many new items to the webstore each week.... check it out and see all of the new items that have been added. This week we added 2,000 items.... so you will want to check it out!!!
ALL prices in my store will be marked down to 33% off for an entire month!
In honor of Mother's Day ---So hopefully knowing the items will be on sale for a month you might be able to treat yourself to a little shopping :) If not hopefully you will see an idea on here someday that you like and you can make with supplies that you have at home for free. There are so many GREAT ideas here every week. I hope that you do find something you like.
Because it takes SO LONG to add items to the store we have been working on that so the sale prices are not reflected yet.
So in the meantime please use this code for 33% off
Cricut Cartridge prices dropped AGAIN :)
Well not for me, but I lowered them for you!
This is for all Mothers out there. Although you don't have to be a mom to take advantage of our sale. So during the 3rd step of check just enter 33 as the coupon code and you will see the 33% taken off. Please realize the Cricut cartridges are already SO LOW, that there is no additional sale on them, but realize you will not pay more than $32 for ANY Cricut cartridge, even the BRAND NEW ONES!!!!
Our new items in the store......
More adhesives, Xyron Creatopia and accessories, More ink, Glimmer mist-Tattered Angels, Cinch, Candi, E-clips, I-top, Crop-a-dile, Slice, Making Memories, We R Memory Keepers
We really expanded our paper Category and Martha Stewart
We added over 500 Martha Stewart items this week!
So here are a few categories and brands and we are adding everyday.
As new vendors come in we are going through a little bit longer shipping process while waiting for the first order with that company to come in. But the orders after that are coming in within about 2 days. So I am placing smaller first orders so the subsequent orders will come in faster. So before we list new items for sale, we get them in first :) It is working out much better and faster!
Also there will be 14 new companies added this week and the same goes until May 13th!
ALL Cricut Cartridges are $15-$32
Everything else is 33% off until... May 13th
Shipping time right now is down to 3-7 days.
Now that we hired help it is not just me.... so things are speeding up!
All of those cute clear bags and containers you see people adding tags to and putting goodies in them---- will be available VERY SOON!