Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Cricut Cartridge giveaway and Design team call and collecting cards for kids for Sunshine and Smiles


Giveaway and Design Team Call!!!

We are looking for you!!!

Yes YOU, we love great talent but we also LOVE beginners.
Everyone loves to come here and find projects that they feel like they can do it. So we like to offer a variety of talent levels,
If you are an expert crafter, we are looking for YOU,
If you are a moderate crafter, we are looking for YOU, 
If you are a beginner, we are looking for YOU.
We want a diverse team of various talent levels
and various crafting styles.
Even if you have never shared a project before...
Now is your opportunity.

Would you like to show your amazing (or even simple) projects to almost 25,000 Social Media followers and over ???

Over 1,106,545 Blog Views
and over 540,000 MONTHLY Pinterest views
Over 20,000 video tutorial views

1,907 Mailing list subscribers,
 1,405 blog followers
282 Blog Lovin' followers  
457 Twitter followers
YouTube coming soon!

What is your commitment??
A term of 6 months- during which you will create only two projects a month. 
To submit for the design team call
please do the following....

Email to
With the subject line DESIGN TEAM CALL

Before Monday May 4, 2015...


1. Your name
2. Blog Address if you have one
3. Social media sites, pinterest, twitter, and any galleries where your work is.
 ( If you don't have any that is ok. )
4. Any design teams that you are on or have been on (No experience needed) 
5. Why you would like to be a part of this design team?
6. Attach 3 of your best projects showing your style of work. You can post a link to your project if you have posted it somewhere.

To enter the giveaway,

just simply comment on this post
or one of the other blog posts...

Commenting in each place gives you additional entries

The Pinterest link to share for the contest....


Click here for Erica's facebook.
Winner will be picked from on
May 8 with the Design team announcement


Our logo got a little facelift...

But we still do the same thing...
 If you do not know what Sunshine and Smiles is, it is a project set up to give cards to kids who are in the hospital to bring them some sunshine while they are there. We hope each card brings at least one smile to the faces of those kids who are in the hospital for whatever reason. So the cards should be FULL of bright sunny thoughts, try and take all of the happiness that you have and SQUEEZE it the card.... 

Any person can send us a request for cards to take to your local children's hospital.
Over the past 4 years we have collected over 28,000 cards for kids in the hospital.

This cannot be done on its own. We need your help.  
Do you have tons of hand made cards and you don't know what to do with them?
We would love to have them.
If you love to make cards or love to bring sunshine into a hospital or a
smile to a child's face who has a health concern....
 Then send us a request and we will get some cards out to you.
I currently have about 400 cards waiting for requests.

Some answers to some questions from the past are...

 YES you can make duplicates,
You can make them with whatever you would like,
They do not need to be Cricut created,
They can be made by kids as well,
No envelopes are needed. (unless they are Mother's Day or Father's Day cards.

Please write a positive message inside the card for a child in the hospital.

A new request has been made for cards (with envelopes) for the kids to give to their parents. I love how this project has grown. With Mother's Day and Father's Day coming up those would make some great cards for kids to give to their families. (no messages needed in these. That way the children can fill in their own message.

If you make cards for the kids to give to someone, Please include an envelope.
This will help our sorting process. Thank you in advance.
We don't usually collect birthday cards, just a general everyday happy card that can be given on any normal day 
There are kids of all ages, including teenagers.... so the sky is the limit as far as rules go. 
We try to NOT remind them of their illness, some are cancer patients....
so just lots of positive messages to encourage them no matter WHY they are the hospital..... 

***NEW RULE.... These MUST be from a non-smoking home.
I had a hospital reject a small batch of cards because they smelled of smoke
and were a health risk to the children. ***
 Thank you in advance!
You can send all of these cards to
Craft Lovers Come Here
1757 Liberty Dr
Akron, OH 44313
Please send any questions or requests for cards to 

Also feel free to comment here with any questions.

All requests for cards for your local hospital MUST be emailed.


  1. I think I fixed the commenting error. This comment is a test.

  2. What a TERRIFIC opportunity. As usual, you are providing inspiration and resources to feed our creativity!! Thank you!

  3. What an awesome opportunity! Thank you!

  4. Thanks for the possibility to win something cool!!

  5. Woohoo! Two cartridges that I don't have and would love to win! Thank you!

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Please enter me in the contest... and thank you for your incredible work!

  8. I never win anything---but what the heck!! I'll post. I love seeing all the creativity & talent in the pics that are posted. Thankfully, my sons' are adults, because I'm not sure I would've had time for them AND Cricutting!! LOL

  9. Would love to win one of these cartridges. Love all the creativity on this blog.

  10. Such a great opportunity! Thanks so much for the chance!!

  11. I love to see that all different levels of talent are invited. It's a breathe of fresh air to have different ideas, and thoughts. Keep it up!

  12. I love crafting and would love the opportunity to win some new cartridges. My crafting is my version of guys video games but better; i actually have something to show for it. LOL


We would love to hear what you have to say about these projects and it encourages all of us to keep sharing with you. Let us know you are out there and that you looked at this today.