Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Would you Ever Guess Wednesday April 18, 2012

So have YOU ever wondered what is Would You Ever Guess Wednesday??!!??!!??!!

Here is what it is...... We take some of the feature keys of a Cricut Cartridge, you know on the keypad layover the keys on the far left on the top three rows.... sometimes called layer, tag, card, font ...etc.
We use ONLY those keys, and not the image or its shadow. Basically if you can see it on the back of the cartridge box.... we don't use it! Or its shadow which is about the same thing ;)
We might also use a Cake cartridge to make a paper creation (All cake cartridges work in ALL cricut machines) But sometimes people forget about those cartridges. So we want to show you some of those and make you say "I would never have thought of that"

Beginning tomorrow ALL prices in my store will be marked down to 33% off for an entire month! In honor of Mother's Day --- I also know some have payday at different times of the month and some pay weeks we pay our bills....etc. We are just like everyone else, we pay certain bills with certain paychecks- We have dance, swim class fees, Easter baskets, and prescriptions just like everyone else :) So hopefully knowing the items will be on sale for a month you might be able to treat yourself to a little shopping :) If not hopefully you will see an idea on here someday that you like and you can make with supplies that you have at home for free. There are so many GREAT ideas here every week. I hope that you do find something you like.
Tomorrow (Thursday) the prices will be updated to reflect the sale prices.

Sheila used Tie the Knot cricut cartridge on her project. Check her blog at for details.

Marji used the Art Philosophy and Simply Charmed cartridges to make this project. Please visit her blog for details.

KathyJo used Designer's Calendar and papers available from Erica's Craft Room Store to create this desk sign. Please visit her blog for all the details of her project.

Heather M. aka Bunnyfreak used the Art Philosophy Cartridge to make her card. To see the full project please visit her blog at

A message to parents......

I know there are some codes in texting that kids use....
please take the time to look at this site and see what they are "really" saying.....
Please check out this list.....

For those with younger kids....
I know it is only April but Summer is going to be here tomorrow!
Just a few tips for parents..... for some economical adventures.
There are libraries with free book readings and crafts to go with them and sometimes juice and cookies. Fire stations do have kids days where you can tour the fire station and meet the firemen. Our local town has an event called Safety City- where the kids go and learn about bike safety, fires, stranger danger, 911 (even with cell phones they still should know 911)
Matinee movies--- Make something simple an event. When they wake up or at Breakfast present them with tickets or a piece of paper saying we are going to see such and such movie. Then look into the theme on the Internet learn about it talk about it find coloring pages with the theme. Go outside and see if you can connect the theme to outside and go for a walk and play pretend and make it an adventure. Then sit down and color with your child.... most kids even older ones still like to color believe it or not. If you are sitting down with them to color even if you are bad at it, it is time to talk and bond with your child. In this day and age sometimes we need to take a step back and reconnect with people instead of computer
(I know I am sending this message with a computer..... but my #1 job is being a mommy)
When my little one asks me to play.... and she says "You can bring your computer Mommy" that to me is a message, close my computer and go and play dolls, or Strawberry Shortcake or La La Loopsy. OK so getting back to the "movie adventure" Later in the day go to walmart and get the $1 candy in the big things in the middle of the isles. It is the same size as the movie theater and you save about $4 on each one. Then that night go and see the move.
You have made a day long activity for under $5!!! Oh I am only giving these tips because I was 3 months away from graduating with Honors with my Masters Degree in Elementary Education when I had my daughter. So I might know a thing or two about kids and education. Wink Wink!


  1. I love the tips you gave about summer child activities. You have some really great ideas. I don't have kids but I have children in my life and I am going to use some of them. I know way to many parents that let the computer get in the way of playing with their kids, Kids really need that interaction with adults. So the ones that I know will be have fun with Aunt Sarah even if their mom's or dads don't want to join in on the fun.

    Another great day of projects ladies. Keep up the awesome work


  2. Thanks for the great tips Erica, I am fortunate that my daughter even at the age of 16 finds time for me, so anytime she says lets go for a walk or drive or whatever it may be I jump at the chance. She is the last one at home and I cherish every moment. It goes by way to fast, thanks again!

  3. My kids are grown with kids of their own and my very favorite thing to do with the younger ones is tea parties and park day! I don't know how many park days we had last summer when the parents and papa went for a game of golf and nanny had the day with the kids. As far as I am concerned I won those days, they are only young once and I am going to make those memories with them when I can! Bye the way girls, great projects once again!

  4. Great Cricut projects :)

    Great ideas for spending quality time with kids. Sadly both of my boys are in college~any ideas on how to shrink them ;P

    Have a fabulous day :)

  5. Erica, thank you for sharing your expertise and the ideas...those are really great tips!!!! I am always looking for ideas that fit in our thrifty budget and I like the idea of making an entire day an adventure around a movie...Great projects by the DT again today, too!
    Happy Wednesday!
    Jessica S

  6. Erica, Thanks so much for sharing your ideas with us. It means alot to me. Great projects ladies love the ideas.

  7. Great projects today as always. Good ideas Erica thank you

  8. Great projects again and a great sale! Thanks for the tips also!

  9. Erica thanks for the summer tips loving the movie idea Great projects today ladies love them all :)



  10. Erica, thanks for taking the time to share these tips...especially the texting tips! I know it takes extra time, but once again shows that you are "real"... not just the owner of a fabulous store and blog!


  11. Oh,Now I understand what Would you ever guess Wednesday is. I know what you mean about taking the time to play with Children. I watch my Grand Children and try not to get on the Computer when they are here. One is in Kindergarten and one starts school in the fall. Want to Cherish each moment I have with them. :)

  12. Thank you for sharing these tips...we sometimes get so caught up in our own thing. We need to make sure to give the kids our time and of all seasons summer is one great time to do so. A few days in every month are great. I have 3 boys so I try to get involve on things they like to do. It is hard to concentrate on video games or deafing music that they rock but I sit with them and enjoy being there along side my boyz.

  13. Great tips, the candy one is very smart, I can't believe that movies theaters think that is a reasonable price to charge!

  14. Great tips Erica! We always need things to occupy these kids, lol. Mary M

  15. Good for you for putting down the computer to play with your little one, great tips for those with little ones and fun projects- I really like the one using Designer Calendar.

  16. thanks for the tips! it is so important to take time to read, play, and spend time with your children. they grow up way too fast!!

  17. love all of the ideas with the kids! I just cherish everyday with mine!

  18. Love that Celebrate card, simple yet striking!

  19. Beautiful cards!! I love them all!! Thanks for the tips on what to do with the kidlets! My poor hubby watches our 5 year old grandson and 8 year old daughter on holidays and vacations. Talk about a challenge!!!

  20. Love all the projects, and great tips for activities for the kids,


We would love to hear what you have to say about these projects and it encourages all of us to keep sharing with you. Let us know you are out there and that you looked at this today.