Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Card Creating Tuesday April 17 2012 Sketch Challenge

Well I asked yesterday about splitting up our 100 Cricut Cartridge blog hop instead of 20+ blogs on one day and 20+ blogs the next day.... We ARE going to split up the hop and make it every Saturday we will showcase 25 different cartridges.... There was 100% agreement between you all and the Design Team.... I can't go against 100%. This way there are 10 or less blogs to go to. This also means more prizes :) Now I do realize that there will be other hops on some of those days. But I will do my best to keep them sorted out and make it easy for you all. Today's card sketch challenge is posted, please remember to use the sketch given AND the colors of the month. I had Inlinkz pick a random winner but I have no idea who it picked. So you all who entered should have gotten an email today, can you please let me know if you got an email and if you won. Thanks. I am still new to the Inlinkz stuff. So I will let you know tomorrow if a winner was auto-picked or if I need to pick a winner with random.org

The BIG news.... Who won the Cricut Mini this weekend on our April Showers, Full of Flowers blog hop?
Here is the blog that the winner was picked from.... remember how I said you had to comment on all of the blogs.... there was a reason why. I did not pick the winner from my blog I picked it from a comment on one of the other blogs....

AmyJRockstarApr 15, 2012 01:06 PM
Hi Jessica! This is sooooo cute! Be sure to enter it in tomorrow's challenge at http://fantabulouscricut.blogspot.com. Our challenge will be April Showers and you totally nailed it with this adorable project!!! Love it! I'm a new follower. :)

XO ~ Amy Jo (new follower)
amyjrockstar at gmail dot com

Amy Jo- Congrats and please email to figure out shipping for your new Cricut Mini Machine!!!

On this card Shelley used Cricut cartridge Freshly picked, Imagine Cartridge Contemporary Nature and Craftroom Basics. To see more information about this project please use the link below to go to her blog.

Jenn Lorist used Flower Shoppe for her project for Card Creating Tuesday ~ Mother's Day. To see her entire project please visit her blog at http://www.jennspapercrafts.blogspot.com/

Today Ava made her card using the Mothers Day 2010 Cartridge
for more photos and details please visit her blog

ClaireR used three Cricut cartridges, Everyday Pop Up Cards, Flower
Shoppe, and Tags, Bags, Boxes, and More to make her Mother's Day card.
To see the complete project, please visit her blog at

Heather E used the Storybook cartridge to make this Mother's Day card. To see the rest of her project please visit http://pinkpunkcosmo.blogspot.com

Lisa used Garden Soup cartridge to make this card for Mothers day. You can see her completed card at http://ourcraftingcorner.blogspot.com/.

Kathy used the Ole Cricut Cartridge to make her Mother's Day card today.
Please visit her blog to see her entire project at http://3spoileddogs.blogspot.com

Amber made this easel card using Walk in My Garden. To see her entire project please visit her blog http://pixiperfectcreations.blogspot.com.


  1. Congrats AmyJoRockstar! I hope you enjoy your cricut mini. I am going to look at all the blogs for today. Looks like great projects ladies.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. So Excited for Amy Jo! Have Fun! :0)

  4. I so wanted to win that machine, but since I didn't I am so excited that it was Amy who did win it, she is such a sweet lady with nothing but wonderful things to say about everyone elses projects and she could use a little happness in her life with what she has to live with day in and day out. Yea! for Amy!!!!! I am so happy for you!

  5. Congrats to Amy but pooh would have loved to have won it, hopefully my old machine will last awhile longer. Glad to hear everyone wanted to split up to smaller hops. Off to check out these fab projects, thanks!!

  6. So Excited for you Amy Jo on the win of the Cricut Mini. Funny thing is my name is Amy Jo to. haha Time to check out the projects for today..



  7. Beautiful cards today! I am so happy for Amy Jo- I enjoy seeing her blog arrive in my inbox many mornings.

  8. Ahh I wish it was me!! Hehe but no congrats Amy Jo that's great :) Happy for you! These are again some lovely projects very well done!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Yay for {{{{{{{Amy Jo}}}}}}}}}}
    Fun sketch and this one is proving to be a challenge....still trying to come up with an idea! Fun nonetheless!
    Jessica S

  11. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you SO MUCH!!!!! I can't believe it! I am so super duper excited! Thanks so much to all the lovely ladies who left such sweet comments to! Wow, what a wonderful surprise! Erica, I am sending you my info via email. If you don't get it, please let me know cause mine seem to be disappearing lately. I am still in shock! I can't even think of what else to say other than thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

    Great big hugs and a zillion smooches,
    Amy Jo (follower)
    amyjrockstar at gmail dot com

    1. So Happy for you Amy! When I saw that you won, I was super exited that one of the ppl that I follow was the winner. Thanks for always leaving such sweet comments on others blogs. you deserve this win!
      MCCR DT

    2. I always love it when someone truly is excited and gracious about winning something. The last time I gave away a machine later on down the line she became a Design Team member and now is my Design Team Leader..... I wish I could give away a machine all the time. Hopefully I will be able continue to give away some nice things to people who deserve them.

    3. Seeing Amy this happy makes the tears well up in my eyes...SHE IS SO DESERVING!!!!!

  12. Awesome projects! Congratulations AmyJ! :) :) :)

  13. Wonderful cards posted for Tuesday!

  14. Some mothers are going to be quite surprised come Mothers" Day!

  15. love the Cards! I know the moms will love them

  16. Wow! That was a great prize! Congrats Amy Jo! Love the Mother's Day cards!!

  17. these are so pretty! love all of the sparkles!

  18. I want to make flowers for Mother's Day...

  19. How does everyone come up with these amazing projects? It takes me days sometimes to come up with an idea! My hat is off to all of you!

  20. Great inspiration love them all


We would love to hear what you have to say about these projects and it encourages all of us to keep sharing with you. Let us know you are out there and that you looked at this today.