Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Card Creating Tuesday January 31, 2012- Valentine Cards or Distress Inks

Here are today's Valentine card and some cards made using distress inks....

Heather used the cartridge Imagine More to create a Valentines Day Card. To see the full project please visit her blog http://papercrafteranonymous.com/

Ashley used Sweethearts Cricut cartridge to make this card. Please visit her blog to see this entire project at http://theglamoroussideofscrapping.blogspot.com/

Sheila used Lyrical Letters to make a heart border on her Valentine's card. See her project at http://2pawprints.blogspot.com/

Amber made this Valentines Card using Sweethearts and Songbird. Please check out her blog http://pixiperfectcreations.blogspot.com/
Janet used Victorian Romance to make her Valentine card. Check out her blog to see more at http://janetscreativeworld.blogspot.com/
Mary chose to make both a "Love" card and use distress inks for a truly masculine card.

Shelly Lynn used Hello Kitty Greetings Cricut cartridge to make this Valentine card.
To see the card, please visit her blog at http://kccroppers.blogspot.com/

Claire R used Art Nouveau to make her cards. Please visit her blog to see this entire project at http://threewaterscreations.blogspot.com/

Kathy used the Wild Card Cricut Cartridge to make her card today. Please visit her blog to see her entire project at http://3spoileddogs.blogspot.com/

Doris created a card using the Imagine cartridge Snapshot everyday. Please go to her blog to see more at http://mybugandmecreate.blogspot.com/

Tamara used Create A Critter Cricut cartridge to make this card. To see the full project please visit her blog http://sospoileditscute.blogspot.com/


Sherri used a couple distress inks to create this card. Please visit her blog to see the entire project at http://squeakyscrapper.blogspot.com/.

Vicky Oliver used Imagine Better Together & Tim Holtz Distress ink Vintage photo, http://luvmygypsy.blogspot.com/

Monday, January 30, 2012

My IMAGINE-ation Monday January 30, 2012 and Letter of the day E

Jenny R created this card using Best Friends Imagine Cricut Cartridge. Please visit her blog at http://myimagitvity.blogspot.com/.

Doris has created a card using the Imagine cartridge Enjoy the Seasons and Elegant Edges. Please see her project at http://mybugandmecreate.blogspot.com/

Marji used the Imagine More cards cartridge to make this card, please check her blog to see the details.

Liz used the Imagine More cartridge to create this quick little project.  To see for the full project visit her blog at http://tryin2craft.blogspot.com/
Laura used "Enjoy the Seasons" Imagine cart to create this project.... To see more visit her blog at http://www.laurascraftsandmore.com/


Tonya used Nate's ABCs to make this card. To see the complete project please visit her blog ittybittyladybugs.blogspot.com 
Heather M. used Art Philosophy and Holiday Cakes Cartridges to make her card. To see the full project please visit her blog at http://digipage-blog.everything-digital-scrapbooking.com  
Ashley used Elegant Edges and Everyday Paper Dolls Cricut cartridges to make this card. Please visit her blog to see this entire project at http://theglamoroussideofscrapping.blogspot.com/
Karey used the Sugar and Spice Cricut Lite Cartridge to make this adorable elephant card.  To see the full project visit her blog at http://www.creativecraftcorner.com/
 Miranda used Paisley Cartridge to make this card. To see the full project please visit her blog http://www.nanasscrapspot.com/

Friday, January 27, 2012

Scrapbook Friday Janaury 27, 2012- Wedding ro the color purple

Today the team has either made a Wedding layout
OR they used the color purple....
Tomorrow during the Wedding blog hop you will
see my wedding layout

Jenny R created this Scrapbook LO using Storybook and Straight from the Nest Cricut cartridges.

Christina used Fancy Frames, and Sentimentals Cricut Cartridges to make her project. Please visit her blog to see the completed layout!  http://cema1cema.blogspot.com/

Samantha used Cherry Limeade for her layout today! Please visit her blog to see the entire layout at http://www.samanthascricutcreations.blogspot.com/

Sabrina created this page with Elegant Edges and Sweetheart Cartridges. Please visit here blog for more on this project. http://sabrinabellabeautiful.blogspot.com/

Pattie used the Sweetheart Cartridge and Gypsy Font for this title page for a Wedding Album, that she is doing for a friend. Check out the details at http://sweetpsscrapbooks.blogspot.com/


Janet used Plantin SchoolBook to make this Purple Scrapbook Layout! Check it out over at her blog http://janetscreativeworld.blogspot.com/

Marji made a scrapbook page using purple and the Cindy Loo Cricut cartridge. Please visit her blog to see all the details. http://www.fstampaholic.blogspot.com/ 

Jessica used the Cindy Loo Cricut Cartridge and the Cricut Craft Room to create this card. To see the full project please visit her blog http://homespunelegance.blogspot.com/ 

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Theme Day Thurdsday January 26, 2012 Birthday or Art Nouveou Cricut Cartridge

Today the team either used the theme of birthday
or the Art Nouveou Cricut cartridge

Also just a reminder the webstore is open with over 4,000 items now! We are working everyday to add and improve the store....
Please use the code 15 for 15% off
of your total purchase!
There are also January's Hello Thursday cartridge that you can order. They are in the warehouse and will ship within a week!

Connie  used the Cricut cartridge Birthday Bash to create this fun Birthday Layout. Please visit her blog to see this entire project at http://conniecancrop.blogspot.com/

Enjoli created a layout today using the Once Upon A Princess cartridge to see more of her layout go over to http://mississippihippycrafts.blogspot.com/

Sheila used Sweet Treats Cricut Cartridge to make this birthday card.  See her blog at http://2pawprints.blogspot.com/ for all the details.

Kym used the Best friends imagine cartridge to make this project. Please visit her blog to see the finished project. http://kimmyskards.blogspot.com/ 

Shelly used Simply Charmed & Birthday Bash Cricut cartridges to make this layout. 
To check out the complete layout please visit her blog at http://kccroppers.blogspot.com/

Kathy used the Celebrations, All Mixed Up and Art Philosophy Cricut Cartridges to create her Birthday Themed Project today. Please visit her blog to see her entire project at http://3spoileddogs.blogspot.com/

Art Nouveou

Jamie used the Art Nouveau Cartridge for this card. To see the full project please visit her blog  http://jamiek711designs.blogspot.com/

ClaireR used the Cricut Cartridge Art Nouveau to create this card.
Please visit her blog to see this entire project at http://threewaterscreations.blogspot.com/ 

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Would You Ever Guess Wednesday January 25, 2012 WYEGW and our Countdown to Christmas

So has anyone seen the Cricut infomercial on YouTube??? I am so proud to tell you THREE, yes THREE of our design team members are on the infomercial! When I can i will post the link to the video! How awesome is that?!?! They are on different infomercials, so as they air or are posted on YouTube, I will post them here! I always knew we had a talented team here, even our beginners are talented! I am so lucky to have such an AMAZING team. Everyday I am amazed at such great projects!!! So they keep up the good work please comment on their blog to give them encouragement to keep sharing with you!

Marji used the Rock Princess cartridge to create her scrapbook page, please visit her blog to see what fun she created for today. http://www.fstampaholic.blogspot.com/

Sheila used Simply Sweet to make this card. See her entire project at http://2pawprints.blogspot.com/


On the 25th of every month we will show you some Christmas projects to get ideas for your gifts for next year and show our love of Christmas all year long.... ONLY 11 more months... only 335 days until Christmas, Yes I really do start counting down each year on December 26... I can't wait for it to come again!

Laurie used Winter Frolic to make this mini album. To see the rest of the album, go to her blog at http://mincedpaper.blogspot.com/

Amber made this cute gift card holder using Hello Kitty Greetings and Simply Charmed. Please visit her blog at http://pixiperfectcreations.blogspot.com/ to see how she made this project.  


Sharon used Winter Woodland, Christmas Cheer & Tags, Bags, Boxes  More Cricut Cartridges to make these Christmas tags.  To see the full project please visit her blog at: http://simplysweetbysharon.blogspot.com/

Cori made Christmas ornaments from the tag feature using the Winter Woodland cartridge. Go to http://www.createdbycori.blogspot.com/  to see this project!

Today Jenny R created this card using Jolly Holidays Cricut Lite Cartridge. Her blog is http://myimagitivity.blogspot.com/.


Jenn Lorist used Santa's Village Imagine Cricut cartridge to make this cute Christmas box. Please visit her blog to see this entire project at http://www.jennspapercrafts.blogspot.com/