Saturday, July 16, 2011

Cancer Support & Survivor Blog Hop!

Welcome to our Cancer Support & Survivor blog hop.

I am honored to be the host of this.
I am doing this in honor of my mom who is fighting cancer now, and is a survivor from years ago. July 19 we will know her prognosis and more details of her cancer. So please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. I have lost an aunt of mine who was like a mom to me 6 years ago, my husband's mom died of cancer as well. So this Blog Hop is dedicated to those you have cancer, who have survived cancer, and those that we have lost to cancer.
I made a card for my mom. So I am going to send this to her today. Also the Cancer ribbon is hiding in her flowers, that way it doesnt put it right under her nose. It is a nice way to say I am thinking of you, but the cancer is a small problem. I used the new Cricut Cartridge Flower Shop. I have 64 pictures of how I made it, so I will be posting that on Monday HOW I made it, with the pictures and explination, you wil be able to easily make these flowers too, please dont forget to come back on monday. Also put your email in on the space on the right, then you will get our daily Cricut Creations, anywhere from 2-4 different ones EVERY day!

Thanks again,

Here is my card for my mom

Next you should go to Enjoli's Blog

Here is the line up incase you get lost.  ---you are here---



  1. What a great theme for a blog hop! I am a survivor of Renal Cell Carcinoma...5 years and going strong! I lost a kidney but gained my life. My prayers and best wishes go out to your mom.
    Your card is beautiful! I know she will just love it.

  2. Hi Erica, I love your card and am sure your mum will too! I feel very honoured to be apart of this blog hop as I lost my mum suddenly to cancer 9 years ago. It would have been her 69th birthday on 26th July too. I also have 3 members of my immediate family still fighting the battle. I will be thinking of you all on the 19th. Sending best wishes to all. Ali xxx!/pages/Taylor-Made-Designs/145715268811393

  3. what a wonderful blog hop. I sure hope all goes well with you mom's appointment. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.
    I am a new follower of your blog.
    Please come and check my blog out as well.. I am hosting a linking party for Breast Cancer awareness in October.

  4. Oh almost forgot... Your card is absolutley beautiful.

  5. Love your card!!! it is beautiful and your mom will love it!

  6. Wonderful card! Best wishes for your mom's results. I hope you all get good news!!

  7. Beautiful card, love how you have the ribbon within the flower. Prayers going out to your mom! Thanks for this wonderful blog hop for a great cause. Mother to a Breast Cancer Survior!

  8. I've checked out all the blogs. And i have tears in my eyes! While I've lost famiy to cancer, I'm thrilled to be able to give God the glory that I've been cancer free 16 years now after being diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer. I was downright crying when I read the spoon story! I have Rhue Arthritis, and have suffered 5 heart attacks, and some days I don't think I have enough spoons, but God gives us the strength we need each day! What a great theme! and kudos to the little girl making the bracelets! God bless her! Erica, hope you're feeling better soon, and get more spoons! Praying for your mother!

  9. beautiful card! Your mom will love it, cancer is close to my heart also. I'm so sorry to hear about your mom and other family members. I'll keep her in my thoughts.Thanks for sharing hon, Have a scrappy day~
    Scrappingmamma ~

  10. This a beautiful card. I love it. everything about it is amazing. :) Prayers for you and your mom.

  11. beautiful erica. i'm sure it put a wonderful smile on 'moms' face.

  12. Not only is this card very beautiful but thoughtful and touching as well. Your Mom will be delighted! Our family is no stranger to cancer and the battle continues to make surviors out of everyone who walks this journey!

  13. That is a beautiful floral project for your Mom and a touching theme. Prayers.

  14. So sorry to hear about your mom and hope all goes well with the news on Monday!! Thank you from all of us for having this for those of us who have also lost loved ones due to cancer.

  15. Hello Erica, Thanks for letting me a part of your hop. I love the card and I'm sure your mother will enjoy it. Prayers.

  16. Prayers going out for your mom and you too sweetie! Hope you're feeling better REAL soon! SWEET card - right up my alley - your mom will LOVE it! xoxo, Linda

  17. Just finished the hop - great projects from EVERYONE! Very uplifting and inspirational to me. Thanks for ALL you do, Erica! Big Hugs!!!

  18. Every year I support Breast Cancer Awareness/Cure efforts with Susan G. Komen thru events that put on all over the US. Prayers to your mom and your entire family in support of her. She beat it once, she can do it again! Thanks for sharing her card...Ü
    vandyzfam at

  19. I am a new follower of your blog! Ü

  20. Love, love, love your card!!! The 19th is my niece's birthday and I have a good feeling about that day!!! Hope you hear good news!!!!

  21. your card is beautiful. you and your Mom's in my prayers.

  22. Truely all beautiful and meaningful projects! What a wonderful blog hop! Prayers for your Mom and many "spoons" for you Erica!

  23. Praying for a good diagnosis for your mom. Your card didn't show up for me, but I will come back on Monday and see if any of the others will.
    Thanks for being part of such an important hop.

    Smiles Sher

  24. Sending prayers to everyone who is dealing with cancer. Our grandmother is fighting Cancer right now too! Love the card and thanks for coming up with this theme for the hop.

  25. I hope that everything works out well for your mom. This blog hop makes me sad, don't know if I will make it through. I lost both of my in-laws to cancer at very young ages. My dad-in-law to lung cancer at 71, my mom-in-law to breast cancer at 70.

  26. What a great theme for a blog hop, I lost my dad to Liver Cancer last November at the age of 54. Thank you for this blog hop.I am also a new follower.
    iko dot linda at yahoo dot com

  27. What an awesome bloghop. Thank you for sharing all the wonderful projects.

  28. Erica, this hop is close to my heart. Since I am 4 years out I know how hard it is for you and your mom. What a great way to show you care! :)

  29. Wonderful card for your mom and a wonderful idea for a blog hop. Lost my dad to cancer two years ago and numerous other loved ones, now my hubby is having a biopsy in a couple weeks, but I am positive!!
    jejaeb at cfl dot rr dot com

  30. My computer won't show the card so I will have to come back - I can't wait to see it. My mom just finished up her year of chemo treatments for breast cancer. I will be praying for you mom, and for you as the daughter since I have been where you are.
    I have made lot of items for my mom and others that you can see on my blog if you want to check them out: (I just started it so would love for you to check it out!)
    Be back soon when my computer rests....

  31. I thank you for hosting this theme for a blog because so many have been touched in some way by cancer. Your card is so beautiful, and I'm sure your mom will love it!

  32. Both parents died from cancer,My sister had breast cancer.She has been cancer free for 15 yrs now.So cancer has touched our family alot.This is a great blog hop,Right now your card is not showing on my screen I check back,I am a follower,joydee1963 at yahoo dot com

  33. I am sure your card is beautiful but i can't seem to view it!!

  34. Fantastic Project and loving the Blog Hop!

  35. This was an emotional and beautiful Hop. The DT did an amazing job...Your card is so beautiful ...your love for your mom shines and we will be praying for everyone.


We would love to hear what you have to say about these projects and it encourages all of us to keep sharing with you. Let us know you are out there and that you looked at this today.