Hi there, Just a few things. I have complied a 27 Page Cricut Craft Room Guide from Provo-Craft's Help pages from the Cricut Craft Room Program. I have compiled this, but it is their information. I have also sent a copy of this to Provo-Craft incase there was anything that they didn't like, so with CCR's upcoming launch, I have decided to share this so you can read a little bit about this before you can use CCR. I read about the gypsy before I purchased it, so here is a way for you to read about it before you use it. CCR is FREE ! Yea! Please read all of the following information as it is PACKED with so much information! Then the CCR Guide is an attachment.
I want to be clear in all of the posting and information. I try to help everyone even beginers, so please don't feel as though I am talking down to you if you know what you are doing. Also I don't want to loose anyone by assuming that they know everything. Also in the Cricut Message Boards, I am sorry if I had offended anyone in the past by not including anyone or excluding anyone. My appoligies.
The following information is my opinion (or from my trials and errors) I have put these things together to help people. Some people already know these things, some people don't, some people won't like what I have to say or how I explain things, if so please do not be negative, just KINDLY ask that I remove you from my mailing list/facebook/blog. I do not want to offend or exclude ANYONE. ALL that I do ask is that you please share my link and facebook and blog information with others instead of my files. I try to be as factual as I can, I am only doing this to help people) Once Cricut posts the link to the CCR, you will download it to your computer. They will provide instructions for this I am sure. After that you will log into it with your same Cricut.com account so your same used name and password. You will design online, then you will have a desktop application to install. The online version is to design in and you can design from any computer, anywhere. BUT you can only CUT from 2 computers. This prevents people from sharing one accoutn and letting 50 people cut from thier cartridges. So you cannot share an account. Again you can design from ANY computer, but can only cut from 2 selected computers. I have also used my Ipad to do this with GoToMyPC. It is a paid app, so I am not sure if with the current litigation with 3rd party software if I can say that, but it does nothing to the Cricut machine... so, I can't really answer questions about GoToMyPC, I am working on a million projects and can't really provide tech support for that. As far as the other computer tablets go I believe from what I have heard if they are flash based (like CCR is) you can use your tablet. As far as phone apps go... I have no idea yet.
Here is why I am so busy..... I am currently working on a few things that will be on my website... ALL of this is Free. I just want to help and share. I appoligise in advance if I make any mistakes or misinterpretations, again I just want to help. If you do find a mistake in my information, please let me know so I can fix it. Thank you.
I have an inventory list for all of the Cricut Cartridges and future releases. In this list there will also be a price list updated weekly. So if you want to buy the New Damask Decor cartridge, you will go to that page on my website and you will see about 20 different places to purchase it and that weeks current price.
I am also making and RGB list for ALL of the cartridges. This is mostly for the Imagine Machine users, BUT this will help everyone, (see below about designing in color with CCR)
I am making files for every image on every cartridge. So (I keep using this example because it is easy) I have made and Ariel from the Disney Cartridge. In this file is all of the seperate images in proper proportion to create Ariel. So you will open the file in CCR. It will have the proper RGB colors (Red, Green, Blue) Basically these are the proper colors for the red of Ariel's Hair, Green of her tail, etc... So if you have your CCR open you will see all of the parts to make her, all in proper proportion. Alot of people have commented that they are having size issues with CCR So this file that I am making will have all of the images in the right sizes. The file will be created in Imagine mode, this means you design in color so you can see what it will look like in color when you put your paper on your mat and cut it. If you are using the Imagine machine all you do then is open the file in the desktop version and click cut. (by the way the only difference visually between the online and desktop version that I have noticed is the CUT button on the right) If you are using any other machine, Expression, create, personal, E2 (new Expression 2 Annviersary edition) you should design in color then when you choose your machine to cut from, if it is not an imagine machine, then it will take away the color and show you the lines that it will actually cut. There will also be a picture of a cutting mat so you know where to place the paper and in what sizes of each color of paper you will need. This process of each image is taking me forever.... Over 200 cartridges and over 60 images on each.... But they are coming out great. So I would love for you all to add me to your facebook and follow me on your blogs so you will get these updates as I add them.
I will also be updating the Digital handbooks. I am adding the little keypad with the red button so you know where that page is on the keypad. I am also typing the RGB codes for Imagine users on the handbook. They will then be added as a digital PDF, so you can view then from your Ipad or tablet, or computer, alot easier than carrying all of your handbooks to a Crop!
I will also design layouts, cards, etc... when I do I will provide the files so you can make the same thing.
Now here is the catch to ALL of my files. I can make them and you can look at them, edit them, anything you want. I am not sharing the cartridge, just the file. SO YOU WILL STILL NEED TO PERSONALLY OWN THE CARTRIDGE TO BE ABLE TO CUT FROM IT. If you have a gypsy, it is the same you can share files and such, but you cant cut them unless you own it. While on that topic. Uploading cartridge to your CCR account. A few things to clear up. Youe files will be stored online as well as on your desktop. Other CCR users will NOT be able to view or use your files or account. Also when there are updates they will automatically be detected AND updated when you sign on (the longest this has taken me over the past few months is 2 minutes :)
So uploading your cartridge to CCR. a few ways. If you have a gypsy, you will connect it to your computer or Cricut machine and you can add all of your cartridges to your account so you will then be able to cut from them. Again you can use, design, and edit form any cartridge, but cannot cut from it unless you have added it to your account. If you do not own a gypsy, you will plug your Cricut machine into your Computer with a cable to the USB drive in your computer. You will then ONE by ONE add each cartridge to your Cricut and upload it to your CCR account. Then you are ready to go and have some fun.
On my website, my links are not connected yet, so every page you go to RIGHT NOW it will look the same, but bookmark it and check back often. You can use the toolbar to see what information WILL be available on my site. I feel this will be the greatest Cricut Resource out there. Also, PLEASE PLEASE let me know what you want to know about the Cricut, If you want to know soemthing I am sure others will too. So please let me know and I can add a page to help everyone. So I have attached the PDF CCR Help Guide. Please bookmark my other sites below... oh one more thing.
In celebration of this April with the launch of Cricut Craft Room and the New E2 Anniversary Edition Machine. I am giving away $1000.00 worth of prizes. I will be giving away a New E2 Machine, some of the newest Cricut Cartridges, Damask Decor, Everyday Pop-up cards, Elegant Edges....and more, Copic Markers, Cuttlebug embossing folders, clear stamps from my favorite companies, the little Cricut Plushies and so MUCH more. There will be a huge party over the next two weeks for all of these items. All winners will be announced at 10:00 PM (EST) on May 1st!
How to enter and win. Many ways. Comment on anything on any of my sites, each comment is one entry to win. Please only comment on each item once. Refer a friend and have them say "so and so" sent me. That counts as an entry for you and them. All referals and friend requests, followers, etc.... If you are already a blog follower or Facebook friend, you already have one entry! If you post a link on your blog or facebook, you get another entry. Each new person who requests this guide will also get an entry, if you get this, you already have one entry. Who ever sends the most referals will receive a GREAT prize. So you have exactly 2 weeks to get the word out there.
On Sunday May 1st all of my sites and links will go live by 10:00 PM. At this time all entries will be closed. On Monday May 2, 2011 I will annouce the winners and many different places and there will be surpises along the way. There will be a daily give away but who knows where it will pop up. So, be sure to be a follower everywhere that you can. All of the big prizes will happen on May 2nd. So bookmark them now and check back often! If you would like to be a sponsor and have your products included in the giveaways, please contact me so I can add your items and product lines to my 'Favorite Things' and all promos along My 2 week E2 & CCR celebration.
There will be random drawings for everything except the referals, those will be tallied. So even if you only enter in one spot you CAN win!
If you would like the CCR Help guide, please send me a blank email with the subject "CCR Guide" This will also count as an entry. If you already did, you already have that entry. Send that request to Erica@CricutCraftRoom.com
Remember on my website site AND BLOG, my dropdown extentions will not GO anywhere until May 1st.
Here are my links, now GO GO GO!
Email: Erica@CricutCraftRoom.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/cricutcraftroom#!/home.php
I want to be clear in all of the posting and information. I try to help everyone even beginers, so please don't feel as though I am talking down to you if you know what you are doing. Also I don't want to loose anyone by assuming that they know everything. Also in the Cricut Message Boards, I am sorry if I had offended anyone in the past by not including anyone or excluding anyone. My appoligies.
The following information is my opinion (or from my trials and errors) I have put these things together to help people. Some people already know these things, some people don't, some people won't like what I have to say or how I explain things, if so please do not be negative, just KINDLY ask that I remove you from my mailing list/facebook/blog. I do not want to offend or exclude ANYONE. ALL that I do ask is that you please share my link and facebook and blog information with others instead of my files. I try to be as factual as I can, I am only doing this to help people) Once Cricut posts the link to the CCR, you will download it to your computer. They will provide instructions for this I am sure. After that you will log into it with your same Cricut.com account so your same used name and password. You will design online, then you will have a desktop application to install. The online version is to design in and you can design from any computer, anywhere. BUT you can only CUT from 2 computers. This prevents people from sharing one accoutn and letting 50 people cut from thier cartridges. So you cannot share an account. Again you can design from ANY computer, but can only cut from 2 selected computers. I have also used my Ipad to do this with GoToMyPC. It is a paid app, so I am not sure if with the current litigation with 3rd party software if I can say that, but it does nothing to the Cricut machine... so, I can't really answer questions about GoToMyPC, I am working on a million projects and can't really provide tech support for that. As far as the other computer tablets go I believe from what I have heard if they are flash based (like CCR is) you can use your tablet. As far as phone apps go... I have no idea yet.
Here is why I am so busy..... I am currently working on a few things that will be on my website... ALL of this is Free. I just want to help and share. I appoligise in advance if I make any mistakes or misinterpretations, again I just want to help. If you do find a mistake in my information, please let me know so I can fix it. Thank you.
I have an inventory list for all of the Cricut Cartridges and future releases. In this list there will also be a price list updated weekly. So if you want to buy the New Damask Decor cartridge, you will go to that page on my website and you will see about 20 different places to purchase it and that weeks current price.
I am also making and RGB list for ALL of the cartridges. This is mostly for the Imagine Machine users, BUT this will help everyone, (see below about designing in color with CCR)
I am making files for every image on every cartridge. So (I keep using this example because it is easy) I have made and Ariel from the Disney Cartridge. In this file is all of the seperate images in proper proportion to create Ariel. So you will open the file in CCR. It will have the proper RGB colors (Red, Green, Blue) Basically these are the proper colors for the red of Ariel's Hair, Green of her tail, etc... So if you have your CCR open you will see all of the parts to make her, all in proper proportion. Alot of people have commented that they are having size issues with CCR So this file that I am making will have all of the images in the right sizes. The file will be created in Imagine mode, this means you design in color so you can see what it will look like in color when you put your paper on your mat and cut it. If you are using the Imagine machine all you do then is open the file in the desktop version and click cut. (by the way the only difference visually between the online and desktop version that I have noticed is the CUT button on the right) If you are using any other machine, Expression, create, personal, E2 (new Expression 2 Annviersary edition) you should design in color then when you choose your machine to cut from, if it is not an imagine machine, then it will take away the color and show you the lines that it will actually cut. There will also be a picture of a cutting mat so you know where to place the paper and in what sizes of each color of paper you will need. This process of each image is taking me forever.... Over 200 cartridges and over 60 images on each.... But they are coming out great. So I would love for you all to add me to your facebook and follow me on your blogs so you will get these updates as I add them.
I will also be updating the Digital handbooks. I am adding the little keypad with the red button so you know where that page is on the keypad. I am also typing the RGB codes for Imagine users on the handbook. They will then be added as a digital PDF, so you can view then from your Ipad or tablet, or computer, alot easier than carrying all of your handbooks to a Crop!
I will also design layouts, cards, etc... when I do I will provide the files so you can make the same thing.
Now here is the catch to ALL of my files. I can make them and you can look at them, edit them, anything you want. I am not sharing the cartridge, just the file. SO YOU WILL STILL NEED TO PERSONALLY OWN THE CARTRIDGE TO BE ABLE TO CUT FROM IT. If you have a gypsy, it is the same you can share files and such, but you cant cut them unless you own it. While on that topic. Uploading cartridge to your CCR account. A few things to clear up. Youe files will be stored online as well as on your desktop. Other CCR users will NOT be able to view or use your files or account. Also when there are updates they will automatically be detected AND updated when you sign on (the longest this has taken me over the past few months is 2 minutes :)
So uploading your cartridge to CCR. a few ways. If you have a gypsy, you will connect it to your computer or Cricut machine and you can add all of your cartridges to your account so you will then be able to cut from them. Again you can use, design, and edit form any cartridge, but cannot cut from it unless you have added it to your account. If you do not own a gypsy, you will plug your Cricut machine into your Computer with a cable to the USB drive in your computer. You will then ONE by ONE add each cartridge to your Cricut and upload it to your CCR account. Then you are ready to go and have some fun.
On my website, my links are not connected yet, so every page you go to RIGHT NOW it will look the same, but bookmark it and check back often. You can use the toolbar to see what information WILL be available on my site. I feel this will be the greatest Cricut Resource out there. Also, PLEASE PLEASE let me know what you want to know about the Cricut, If you want to know soemthing I am sure others will too. So please let me know and I can add a page to help everyone. So I have attached the PDF CCR Help Guide. Please bookmark my other sites below... oh one more thing.
In celebration of this April with the launch of Cricut Craft Room and the New E2 Anniversary Edition Machine. I am giving away $1000.00 worth of prizes. I will be giving away a New E2 Machine, some of the newest Cricut Cartridges, Damask Decor, Everyday Pop-up cards, Elegant Edges....and more, Copic Markers, Cuttlebug embossing folders, clear stamps from my favorite companies, the little Cricut Plushies and so MUCH more. There will be a huge party over the next two weeks for all of these items. All winners will be announced at 10:00 PM (EST) on May 1st!
How to enter and win. Many ways. Comment on anything on any of my sites, each comment is one entry to win. Please only comment on each item once. Refer a friend and have them say "so and so" sent me. That counts as an entry for you and them. All referals and friend requests, followers, etc.... If you are already a blog follower or Facebook friend, you already have one entry! If you post a link on your blog or facebook, you get another entry. Each new person who requests this guide will also get an entry, if you get this, you already have one entry. Who ever sends the most referals will receive a GREAT prize. So you have exactly 2 weeks to get the word out there.
On Sunday May 1st all of my sites and links will go live by 10:00 PM. At this time all entries will be closed. On Monday May 2, 2011 I will annouce the winners and many different places and there will be surpises along the way. There will be a daily give away but who knows where it will pop up. So, be sure to be a follower everywhere that you can. All of the big prizes will happen on May 2nd. So bookmark them now and check back often! If you would like to be a sponsor and have your products included in the giveaways, please contact me so I can add your items and product lines to my 'Favorite Things' and all promos along My 2 week E2 & CCR celebration.
There will be random drawings for everything except the referals, those will be tallied. So even if you only enter in one spot you CAN win!
If you would like the CCR Help guide, please send me a blank email with the subject "CCR Guide" This will also count as an entry. If you already did, you already have that entry. Send that request to Erica@CricutCraftRoom.com
Remember on my website site AND BLOG, my dropdown extentions will not GO anywhere until May 1st.
Here are my links, now GO GO GO!
Email: Erica@CricutCraftRoom.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/cricutcraftroom#!/home.php
this is amazing, thank you for your dedication to crafting esp the cricut
ReplyDeleteupnurse at aol dot comsa
Thank you for all the help/support you have posted for us to use. It has been so helpful.
ReplyDeleteWow, thank you for all you are doing!!
Sooooooo super excited!!!!!! Thanks for all the info and help you are giving!!!!
ReplyDeleteI love giveaways, thanks for the chance
ReplyDeleteThank you!Thanks you!
ReplyDeleteThis is so awesome, can't wait for things to be up and going. Thanks so very much for all your hard work!! Hugs
ReplyDeleteI am so happy to see all this information becoming available. Thanks for all your hard work!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for all the hard work you are doing. Can hardly wait for CCR to be released and to be able to get all your valuable information.
ReplyDeleteDonna C.
goCricutgo (CC)
Wow! what a big help this os going to be for me! Thank you!
jiggles51 at aol dot com
This will be fantastic! So helpful! I'm excited. Thanks! Sonya
ReplyDeleteThasnks for this!! This is going to be sucha big help.
ReplyDeleteThank you for all you do, this will be so helpful.
ReplyDeletethank you for your help with all the new techie things in our craft world now...jackie
This is so exciting! I love your website and your giveaways are great!
millers at wildblue dot net
Totally amazing what you have done, i thnak you from the bottom of my heart...i only know a few of you that are so giving in this blog world!!!! you are so appreciated!!!
ReplyDeleteWow, thanks for all the info!!! :)
I received your email with the tutorial-cant wait to put it to use. Thanks!!
I love the way you lay out what you are doing, I can't wait for more information from you:>) terry@nqgrg.com
ReplyDeleteYou have worked so hard with this, many thanks. I'm looking forward to using the program. I so want an expression 2, I have a create, but I'm not sure if they'll get to the uk and how expensive will they be if they do!! Big THANKS to you for a chance to win one xxxsue
ReplyDeletewow I just found you and thanks so much for all this great info that you have for us. Looks like you have been a very busy lady and thanks for all these awsome giveaways that you have for us.
How exciting... can hardly wait
ReplyDeleteThis is amazing work. This will help me so much! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteWow! So much work you are doing and giving us all this info for FREE. I can't believe the generosity...it is incredible. We thank you so so much! I can't wait to see all of what your site will have to offer. Yes, i WILL be checking back often. Lovin' my Bug!!
ReplyDeleteWOW...thank you, thank you for all your hard work! It's very exciting!
ReplyDeletemb name: bugaloo
I can't wait to try ccr
ReplyDeleteThis is so exciting!! I love your website!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for all your help with CCR. And thanks for the chance for the great giveaways! You are one busy person but it's appreciated so much!
ReplyDeleteThis is just great I cant wait for this to allow me to play.
ReplyDeleteThe winner for tonight's 10:00 pm giveaway of the Floral Embellished Cartridge is a Facebook follower... Courtney Larson, please send me a message with your address, congrats! Everyone else, check back tomorrow for the next giveaway. Best of luck everyone!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for CCR either! Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteGreat site! Thanks for the chances!
ReplyDeleteSharing this link right now on my blog! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the guide! What amazing give aways! Thanks for that too!
Happiqueen at aol dot com
I don't think I ever did say thanks for the guide...so thanks...I want to print it out so that I can read it full size...my screen is too small...
ReplyDeleteMichelle H.