Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Would You Ever Guess Wednesday November 7, Bonus features from a Licensed Cartridge

Notice anything different this week????

Well we had a few design team members move on from us. 
We wish them all of the best as we consider them our online family. 
I know many of them will still come to look at what the other design team members have made.
I am truly sad about them leaving. I also consider them friends. 
So it is not easy seeing them move on. 
With everything else going on in my life (flood, divorce, and health issues)
 The thing that saddens me the most is losing those design team members. 
It is hitting me VERY hard. I know many of you think I am strong .... which I think I am. 
But every so often it is ok to be sad about something (that just means I am human) 
Here is the shame on me..... I let my personal life totally consume me, my soon to be Ex-Husband has really torn me down. Each day there is a 2 hour lecture that I get saying all of the things that I do wrong.... seriously 2 hours EVERY DAY. After 2 hours of that I just want to go to bed. 
And I have been doing that.... each day, I go to bed. During that time, I would sign into facebook and not even look in my design team's facebook group. So I totally neglected my team and my customers. It is my fault that they have moved on. There is no blame or anything else.... 
Just me and what I did. I am very sorry to you ladies. I wish I could make it up to all of you. 

Here is the silver lining...... (you knew I was going to find one) As sad as I am to see several design team members go, there is a new way of 10 Design team members that will be moving into the permanent positions after they are with the team for 30 days. As far as those who have left, I would probably do the same, but I do want to thank you for all of the time you have spent here and in the end the biggest thing that you all have given me was a wake up call. I was so consumed with the divorce that I didn't have my heart in my team or business. Now I know what I did and I am working my butt off to make it up to the teams members who did stay with me.  So now the two things that I have neglected I am giving all of my heart to, my team and my business.
 I have many things to make up to many people, and I am going to do it. 

So this week we are showcasing ONE person and ONE project each day. 
Don't worry next week all will be back to normal.
We have structured the team now to post 5 projects each day 
for you to enjoy and spark your crafting Mojo. 

Nadja used Spongbob Squarepants, Jolly Holidays and Christmas Cartridges for this card. For more details please visit her blog at



  1. I know what your going through...I've been down that road....If you pour yourself into your passion the only thing that will become of rewards....

  2. Sorry to hear about your divorce. Don't be kicking yourself.... everyone needs a little time deal with the events in our lives.... divorce is a big one. Hang in there and take care of yourself.

  3. Great project Nadja, and Erica, those of us that are left will stick by you and our team will be great once again!!

  4. Great Project Nadja! Thank you Erica for taking the time to acknowledge what went on. we are all here for you. you are a wonderful, strong, creative woman and I know that you will be ok.

  5. Absolutely adorable, Nadja!! That is my favorite elf!!

    Erica, we have all been in your shoes at some point in our lives. The sun will come out again! You just have to stay focused and BELIEVE!!



  6. I love Nadja's card, super cute. I have faith in you:)

  7. Divorce is a very hard thing to have to go thru. Many of us have been in your shoes and totally understand what you are going thru. You have worked hard to get where you are and you will be able to pick yourself up and dust yourself off and continue on. You have a beautiful little girl that is counting on you. You will get thru this and God will guide you. Praying for you and your family.


We would love to hear what you have to say about these projects and it encourages all of us to keep sharing with you. Let us know you are out there and that you looked at this today.