Thursday, September 20, 2012

Theme Day Thursday September 20, 2012 - Theme Shoes and winners, and current contests

As you know we have turned pink early for Cancer awareness month 
(so you have time to create inspiring cards or anything you would like) 

I found this great cause...

  • Cleaning For A Reason is a nonprofit organization partnering with maid services to offer free professional house cleanings to improve the lives of women undergoing cancer treatment

If you have not yet downloaded the Cricut Craft Room Help Guide, here it is. 
78 Pages to help you use the Craft Room! 

Happy Thursday everyone.... 
I forgot yesterday was a Winner's Wednesday (forgive me )

To pay for prize shipping click here.... 
Also please add the DATE and what PRIZE you won.

So the winner of Trick or Treat Cricut Cartridge is....
These chore charts are so much fun! I wish I had one of these when my son was younger! LOL! Thanks for the chance to win that adorable cart! on Theme Day Thursday August 30, 2012 Chores or Our little helpers
on 8/30/12

Everyday Cricut cartridge.
Day 2 is here....YEA!!!! Can't wait to see the ones for today....would love to win the Create a Critter 2...don't have that one.....tfs on September's 100 Cricut Carttridge Blog Hop Day TWO

Brenda Becknell I love my Cricut Expression! It's great to have the flexibility of cutting fonts and images in any size and color I need!

4 cuttlebug individual embossing folders.

Nancy A Noel-Eichhorn Cricut all the time.

Project kit

Yasha Jackson-Reeves Cricut all the way.... and it's pink what more can a girl ask for!

Stickles and liquid pearls set

Amelia Green I love my Cricuts, yes plural. That way I can have two projects going at the same time! :) 


Claudia Swan Matzke I love my cricuts. I have 4 of them and the gypsy and use them all very very often. I really like how professional my projects turn out using my beloved cricuts!

Jennifer Rethorn Lundy I love My Cricut !!! It has changed my life. I get to do something creative to relax from my busy life , I have many new friends who share the passion for our bugs. I have made some many things with it. Erica's ( MCCR) I love being apart of your DT to explore my cartridges and really used and learn all my cricut can do. Now that I have a hard time cutting my machine has even helped me out for very basic things as chore charts for my kids to cards for friends and family.

Teresa Strauss Kaiser Cricut all the way baby!! O what do i know. That's all I have. The old original.

Jessica Shelton Just uploaded my Cricut Expression to Cricut Craft Room for the first time...and WOWOWOWOWOWOW!!! I didn't think Cricut could get any better. Boy was I wrong. ♥ CRICUT LOVE ♥

Deborah Callaway Mason I leave my cricut set up and ready! Love the money it saves me from buying embellies and alphas and give me the power of creativity! I cannot imagine trying to craft or scrapbook without it now. 


CURRENT CONTEST until September 30, 2012

Just comment ONCE on each post from now until the end of September..... Every comment gives you one more chance to win the AMAZING prize pack!!! 
Extra chances to win this and other great prizes....
Join our facebook Crafting Blog Events group.

Also make sure you are a follower here too!

Now on to the Design Team's Projects....

NannĂ© Used several cartridges to create this layout: Bloom, Life's A Beach, Create a Critter, Indie Art and Pooh Font..For more details please stop by her blog:

Jen L used Priness Party to make 3D Shoes ..... For more details go to her blog    

Samantha used Cheerful seasons to make her card today. For more details go to her blog at

Kathy used the Happy Hauntings to make her card today.
Please visit her blog to see her entire project at

Susie used the Summer In Paris Cricut Cartridge for her layout for Theme Thursday.   For more details visit her blog at  !

Jessica used FOREVER YOUNG to create this shoe card. Check out her blog for all the details:


On a personal note...

There are so many things going on this week. I have been at the new house for a little over a week now and I love it, but I have been working my butt off. Most of you know I have some Auto-immune disease (NOT contageous). I have Crohn's, Celiac and Rhuematoid Arthritus. None of which are fun, but the idea behind an auto-immune is that it tricks your body to think your body is an infection and tries to attack and kill it. So basically your body tries to attack and kill itself! Crazy isn't it???  With those 3 Auto-Immunes (and a few other little things) I take a medication called Methotrexate.... it is Chemo.... but NOT for cancer. Or at least that is NOT why I take it. But if you know anything about Chemo it kills infections...etc. So my body is trying to kill itself, and then the Methotrexate tries to kill that and your white blood cells. So because it kills my white blood cells my body has a hard time fighting even the simplest infection. Most people come in contact with a cold and never get it. Well they are still a carrier of that cold... I catch them off of people who are even just carrying the cold. And when I get a more complex illness.... I REALLY get sick. I usually get more than one thing at a time.
          A few months ago I had shingles (which keep coming back) and Pnemonia and something else I can't remember what it was. I haven't mentioned why I have been not feeling well (other than the move and lack of sleep). I have Mono, for the 3rd time in my life. My design team usually knows when I am sick. I don't really put it out there when I am under the weather, because I don't want people to know and I don't want anyone to feel bad for me. The last time I had my shingles flair up, I had some issues with my legs falling asleep and hands going numb. The checked me for MS, because my brother has MS, it wasn't that (THANK GOODNESS) I was also having a memory issue, I have a pretty good memory and I had trouble remembering things that I had just said. My memory has gotten better, but I am still having some issues with the numb legs. I had an MRI and there is big section of grey stuff. So in the end they are not sure if it was damage from the shingles or if there was a loss of blood, basically they have a lot of ideas and no diagnosis. What fun right? So I had an appointment in July for the Neurologist and my husband told me the wrong dates for the trip to Utah.... I had 5 of my specialists appointments that week. So they have rescheduled them, December for the Neurologist and January for the Rheumatologist! CRAZY!!! I just want it figured out and get it fixed. GOOD NEWS it is nothing major or life threatening :) We have to look at the positive right!
         The way I look at it, My daughter is perfect and healthy, so in my mind I have what I do so hopefully Bella will never be sick. Every morning I wake up and thank God that I am alive and that Bella is healthy. Not to get really spiritual with all of you..... But I know God only gives you what you can handle (he OBVIOUSLY thinks I am much stronger than I think) But he knows what he is doing. Maybe someone I know wouldn't be able to handle it so he gave it to me instead. Again, as long as my little one is healthy I tell God to just pile it on me instead of her!  If you are a parent you know EXACTLY what I mean. ANYWAY..... I am off to get 500 things done before I go to pick Bella up from school in 4 hours!


  1. First of all what fun projects today from the team! Second of all, Congrats to the lucky winners!
    And then you KNOW I wish you felt better and I WISH you would let your body have TIME to heal from what all it has to deal with on a daily basis! Add in just being a mom of an active little girl...and still settling in from a move - - I wish you would S L O W down just a little! Hugs to you and feel better!

  2. Great projects today, and congrats to all the lucky winners!! Erica, like Teresa said, SLOW down and hope you feel better!!!

  3. Fun projects everyone and congratulations to all the winners!! Hope you feel better soon Erica, wish you could take it easy for a bit!


  4. congrats to the winners! Love that 3D shoe!!! just awesome projects everyone!
    Janet Royer-MCCR-DT

  5. Beautiful projects, ladies! :) And thanks for the chance to win, Erica!


  6. Fabulous projects from the DT! Thank you SO much for the new cricut cart and congrats to the other winners too! I hope that you're feeling better soon. It must be such a strain on your mind and body :( Wishing you the best!

  7. Congratulations to all the winners, amazing new cartridges and love the projects. Hugs Erica, we all love you and I keep you in my prayers

  8. Wow, that sure is a lot of winners that will be smiling...including me. Thank you so much for your generosity Erica. I am so happy to be able to see so much inspiration, information, and creativity all in one place each and every day. Wonderful place to be kept in the KNOW.
    Now, about you~~~you are such a strong soul and it is inspiring to see you take on so much in your life with loads of courage. You are so loved and I understand what you say about piling on to yourself, as the parent, to keep your kids from being stricken with illness. I TOTALLY GET IT! I pray for you, your quick recovery, and most of, answers to all your unanswered questions! Hugs and Stay Strong Sweetie!
    Jessica S

  9. Congrats to all the winners!!! Loved all the great positive comments!

  10. Wow, love embossing, love Cuttlebug and love Mickey.

    marg0006 at verizon dot net


We would love to hear what you have to say about these projects and it encourages all of us to keep sharing with you. Let us know you are out there and that you looked at this today.