Friday, September 14, 2012

Scrapbook Friday September 14, 2012 Use 4 pictures in scrapbook page

Well Happy Friday everyone! As you know this has been a CRAZY week for me. I moved last weekend and in 4 days, I got 3 hours of sleep on ONE night! Needless to say I am so tired, physically, emotionally and mentally.
I do have to say I LOVE the little house I moved into, it is so charming and warm and homey! I just love it, it is so cute and I just love it!

So I am now trying to unpack and get everything in order, and still do all of my regular things. Bella's school signed me up for a ton of things! Very exciting and so much fun. Today I get to go and be a "Community Helper" and tell her class what I do. Seriously! I get to go and talk to the kids and bring in some things that I have made to share with them. I am also doing a craft with them, and I have little treat bags to share with them! Don't worry I will post pictures of what I have made. I have to run and get going today, but tomorrow I will finally be able to take a break and write more to you all. AND Ustream!!! I will chat with you more later!
Have a wonderful day!

Today the Design Team was challenged to use 4 pictures in a scrapbook layout.

Jamie L. used Create A Critter and Wild Card carts to make her layout. To see how she made it please visit her blog here:

Janet R. used Create A Critter and Cricut Keystone to make this 2 page layout with 4 photos! Check out her blog to see the other half at

Heather Lynn used the CTMH Artiste Cartridge for her 2 page layout with 8 photos today! Please see all of the details on her blog at!

Angie used Everyday Paper Dolls to create her 4 picture layout. To see the details check out her blog at

Lisa Ch used Winter Frolic on her page today, to check it out click here.

Jessica used Create a Critter 2 for her "Wild about U" Layout and fussy
cut 4 of the 5 photos. Now head over to Jessica's Craft Shaque for more details.

Christina used Celebrations Cricut Cartridge to create her scrapbook page today.
Please visit her blog:


  1. I have trouble using more than one picture on layouts. I love choosing one great photo and doing a 5 x 7. It is wonderful to see layouts using more photos...great inspiration!!


  2. I love to see all these photos used on layouts! Most of us are behind and who has time to do all those 1 photo layouts! Great ideas shared today!

  3. Wonderful inspiration! I have trouble with using more than 2 or 3 photos at the most on my layouts so this is awesome to see!!
    Sarah Mae

  4. Another day of wonderful projects, ladies! <3

  5. Wow! Great layouts!!! :)

    Hope you have a restful weekend, Erica!

    Thanks so much for sharing,

    partridgelu at yahoo dot com

  6. Great LO's

    marg0006 at verizon dot net

  7. Great layouts everyone, will be by your blogs after I rest up! lol


  8. So many fantastic ideas to use 4+ photos on layouts. Great job ladies. Way to get those memories preserved!!!
    Jessica S

  9. Great Pages!!!! Love them all. enjoy your new home.

  10. very creatve lo's. so colorful

    marg0006 at verizon dot net


We would love to hear what you have to say about these projects and it encourages all of us to keep sharing with you. Let us know you are out there and that you looked at this today.