Sunday, September 23, 2012

Rumors.... Cricut Imagine

OK so I have heard the same story 5 different ways now and all 5 of them could not possibly all be true, because they are all different

I do know they are still really working on the CCR and 

Imagine issue....  SO instead of boycotting and bashing  PC, be an advocate for positivity

 and let them know you want them to keep working on  it.....

In the meantime.... 
If you would like to use your imagine with CCR. I have done my printing with with the imagine and then used the same file to cut the images out with ANY other machine with a 12x12 cutting mat. Not the quickest method.... but it works.  
You can use the imagine items and cut them on ANY machine. You do not need to have an Imagine or E2 to use Imagine Cartridges.... You can do it with ANY Cricut with a 12x12 mat. 

I have heard many things this weekend about the Cricut Imagine. So I have set up this forum, instead of bashing Provo-Craft, be an advocate of positivity and instead of putting them down, express why they should listen and help to improve the Imagine, instead of getting rid of it (like the rumors are being spread about it) True or not..... Let's let Provo Craft know that we DO love our Imagine and would love if they keep making the Imagine and Cartridges for the Imagine. 

I will obviously be sharing this post with my contacts at Provo-Craft..... 

In a POSITIVE way express your wants,

 when it comes to the Imagine machine..... 

No bashing or boycotting allowed around here. Please take the time to express in a positive way why you want  Provo Craft to keep working on and improving on our Cricut Imagine machines. 


  1. I love my Imagine Machine and use it more than my E2. I would be lost without it!!! My hope is that you will continue to work on the issue with the Imagine and CCR and to continue to provide outstanding Imagine cartridges for all of us that love our Imagine machines.
    Shelley Peeler

  2. Hello, sorry to hear there are rumors and animosity out there. I don't own an Imagine, yet, but I can tell you that out of all the projects I have seen created with it and the fun cartridges, I am eager to get one. The ease of being able to print and cut an image for a card, scrapbook layout, or any creation for that matter, is very convenient to many who love to craft. Please keep working on it PC!
    Jessica S

  3. I love my Imagine and would love PC to keep it going....I would hate it if they stopped making the Imagine.
    Cora Ford

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  10. Please tell me the rumors are not true! I use my Imagine everyday and more than any of my other Cricuts. (Except for the mini I have them all!!!). I love the new carts you have been coming out with, they add such a wonderful touch to my projects. I have printed not only on card stock and the printable vinyl but also fabric with WONDERFUL results. I am finding more and more projects I can use it on and would be absolutely lost without it at this point.Although I have had some issues with the Imagine and the CCR for the most part I have made some excellent projects using them together. Please keep working to get the bugs out they are so wonderful together. Mary Montecalvo

  11. I'd love for them to manufacture more imagine machines - I'd sell 'em like hot cakes but I can't get the stock :(
    BUT Hun, my wholesaler in Oz has told me it is discontinued for now / maybe when the company gets stronger and back on its feet they may re-release it?
    My only concern is the partnering with HP as every computer and printer i have owner that is HP branded it only lasts max 12 months and then something goes haywire - maybe it might be a good choice to go with Cannon instead :)

  12. My heart sank when I saw the rumor. I love my Imagine and really hope they keep working to improve it. I'd love to see more freedom with placement of images and welding, all the things we can do with the Expression and gypsy. I love the artwork, the ability to use a white piece of paper on my mat and get all the images I need to create a beautiful project. My Imagine seems to "get tired" after several cuts and I have to stop using it for a day or two. Frustrating but I wouldn't give it up.

  13. I personally don't own an Imagine but would love to someday, they seem amazing! I would hate for them to be discontinued before getting the chance to create with one!


  14. I do not own an Imagine, and here is why: I own a large format color printer. When I want to print/cut paper, I can either create or find my own patterns to print, and I suspect Provo has determined that many crafters do the same. When I want to cut, I rely on both my Cricut E's (I have 2) as well as my Silhouette Cameo. Please note, Provo: I did not get rid of my Cricuts or my 100+ cartridges simply because I got a new electronic cutter. There are things the E does well, and things the Cameo does well. I now can print/cut individual images (much like the Imagine does) on my Cameo, but I DO NOT do that -- as the cuts make my cards look like they're store- bought, phooey! I want my cards to look handmade and artisan. If I were in PC's position, I would market/develop the Imagine to cut chipboard and sticker embellishments -- I'd create a specialized mat to accept chipboard, market the Imagine with a deep cut blade, and also come out with 12x12" sticker print/cut sheets. THAT market is wide open ... basically as PC did in modifying and introducing the Cricut Cake, I would MAKEOVER (but never eliminate) the Imagine. As another has posted here, I would also market it for printing on fabric and vinyl -- making the Imagine an important ADJUNCT to the other PC machines in one's craft room. Just my thoughts.

    Please don't think of this as "bashing" PC when I say that PC has taken it on the chin with the way SCAL and MTC were handled ... and I don't blame PC at all for upholding its patents; I don't think crafters would very much like PC abandoning the Imagine after the crafters' large investment in the machine/carts. PC has recently taken another blow, with the failed Circle Membership program .... and it's hard to maintain confidence in the brand when the company shows so little confidence in the future of what it sells.

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  16. I bought my Imagine just after launch. I used it a little here and there, but not much. It is big and heavy and my Gypsy is much faster. I am a gypsy girl and my G and I don't always play nice. I recently saw a YouTube video on CCR and the Imagine together....creating a 12x12 page with layers on it and I was hooked!! Would love to cut and print with CCR too!!!

  17. I do own an Imagine and love it. It is rather large, but I love the cut and print option. I bought it on the launch on HSN and when I saw everything that it could do I was hooked and had to have it. It would be a shame if it was discontinued and those of us that do own one would suffer. If you discontinue making the Imagine, there probably wouldn't be any new cartridges either and I would hate that. I also love that you can use all of the cartridges on it to, but only Imagine cartridges have the cut and print feature.

  18. I LOVE my imagine.. I head rummors awhile ago that they were going to stop making it and I got super worried because I didn't know what I would do if mine broke. I hope they're not going to stop making them. They're such a great machine I use mine all the time.. it adds something extra to projects that just die cuts alone don't. I would love them to keep making them because I've already spent so much money on carts for it that would be worthless without it. Thing's I'd like to see improved/changed with the imagine would have to be that I can't really mix patterns I'd like to use patters from one or more art carts and use them with different images from other art carts. I'd also like the ability to print/cut my own designs/pics (for a full 12x12 scrapbook page). Thanks for taking the time to look this over.

  19. I love my Imagine. I was able to get one on black Friday 2011. I did have some issues with it but with the amazing customer service that I received from PC. I was up and running in no time. I love that I have the ability to create in a way that I would never have been able to before. I enjoy just putting a sheet of white card-stock on the mat and being able to print patterned papers. I love the fact that I can also use rbg codes to print that exact shade that I want. The only thing that I wished with the printing and it could be user error is that it printed more vibrantly. sometimes the colors of the paper don't print as bright as I expect. They seem to have a more vintage feel to them. I love that I can use any of my cartridges in the imagine and not have to worry about picking out what colors of paper I want for each layer. I just choose them on the screen.

    Ok some were taking about the ink situation. I have had my imagine almost 1 year. I use it at least 3 times a week to create several projects and my in is still showing above 1/2. I thought that it would use much more ink but to my surprise it don't.

    As far as using it with ccr. I really could care less for that because I don't use ccr that much, I guess I haven't quite figured out CCr. ( I have been reading Erica's manual that she put together so maybe soon.)

    I do wish that it wasn't so hard to sync my gypsy and imagine together and adding the imagine carts to the G is very time consuming and I wish that PC would just make a cord for Imagine carts like they have for the regular carts instead of having to link them with the machine.

    Cricut is amazing. I love that I have the ability to craft and create with great images. If not for the Cricut I would have never found my love for paper crafting and to me crafting and card making is not just a hobby but it is my sanity. When I feel stressed or have an anxiety attack. I can sit down at my cricut and as soon as I turn it on and I hear that little chirp, I can start to relax and Soon my stress and anxiety goes away.

    I <3 All my bugs and wouldn't trade them for anything. Thank you PC for listening to us.

    Sarah Woodring
    My Cricut Craft Room DT Member.

  20. I have all 3-E2, E, and the Imagine. I love all three, but I have not had the time lately to cut and create on all three like I should, because I have not allotted myself the time over the summer months to do so. So my overall crafting has lagged behind. That does not mean that I will not use all 3 this winter (especially the Imagine). I pilled off the cover of my E2 last week, and this week it is Imagine's turn, for it has a new home near my crafting table, and I do not have the problems I had when it was on the table. I am a little bummed that I only have two Imagine cartridges to use with it for a full effect, but that does not mean that I will not use the others. I was also looking forward to using it with CCR, but that is OK too, as I will make due until PC gets it right. I do not have the luxury to get another type of electronic machine at the moment, but I can save up for cartridges for all my cricut machines. I just do not want my imagine to be abandon by PC.

  21. I too love my Imagine and would feel sad without it. Your products are great. We need the imagine to continue our desires to create the things we do. Please so join us in this endevor (sp).

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  23. Oops! Accidentally deleted my message!

    I was lucky enough to get an Imagine last year for Christmas! I love, love, love it! I thought I would go through ink like crazy but not so! I am still using the same ink cartridges that came with my machine. I love the look and feel of the printed/cut images! I would hope that PC continues with the Imagine Machine and continues to come up with awesome cartridges for it! Thanks Provo Craft for always being so helpful!

  24. I do not own a Cricut Imagine, but that is only because budget does not allow, if the opportunity should arise, I would get one in a red hot minute. I have seen some amazing projects made with them. In my opinion, I would just do a make over and add some different features like Ellen up above mentioned, instead of deleting it:)
    MCCR DT member

  25. I adore my Imagine, I use it for everything. Basically one machine that can do what all of the others do and more..... with just white paper. I probably use it a little more unconventionally than most. I love to take a background and print it then I like to find an image and print it on one corner of the paper, I then like to print a similar image on the opposite corner of another sheet of paper. I have made a coordinating left and right side of paper to make my scrapbook layout on. There are so many things that can be done with the Imagine, it is really where YOUR Imagine-ation takes you.

    **********MY OPINION****************
    I think the issue is the compatability with CCR, Some time ago there was an Imagine update and it seems since then the machine has had some issues. There was a former employee (no names mentioned please) But it seems as though the update made so many issues with that machine, it has been since then that the Imagine has had its problems.
    **********MY OPINION****************
    I am not sure if that update was an accident or intentional with the departure of that employee. I wondered if the update was done incorrectly and that was the reason that person is no longer with the company. I do not think this is a company issue. I think it is what one person MAY HAVE done to the coding of the machine.
    **********MY OPINION****************
    I just wonder if that is why that he was let go from the company
    **********MY OPINION****************

    I do know for a FACT that there are so many more capabilities of the Imagine machine, if it is going to be done away with I REALLY hope those additional functions will be updated for those of us who would like those features (such as Cashe more than 3 patterns from cartridge. I know from talking with a former PC employee it can do more than 3, but I was told only if enough people asked for it. But I guess there are some people who don't know how to Cashe one image, so if they don't know about it they cannot ask for more features and functions.

  26. I've had the original Baby Bug, (sold it) as I've purchased the Expression, Expression 2, Mini, and the Gypsy, and the Imagine at it's launch! I use all of them, love them. I would be so upset if my Imagine was rendered obsolete at this point, because at the launch it was not cheap! I own several of the Imagine cartridges and always looking for new ones. My biggest issue is that when cartridges are released to certain stores, we don't have those stores here and so they are hard to get. The Imagine is the first machine that came with a Great book that really explained what all the features are, buttons do, etc. I love how it cuts vinyl. I own a Shilouette Cameo too, and a wide format printer, but Provo Craft-Don't let us down.I was a Circle member, and loved it, but it's discouraging to see those special carts on Ebay or other sale areas. Defeats the purpose of the club. It's also sad to see how expensive carts were, some of mine were 89.00 or more, and now they are less expensive, which is great, but it has removed some value of the products I own. Please continue to keep the current machines in the marketplace updated, products available to us who have them. Thank you so much!
    Janet Royer

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  28. More Imagine carts with African American images:)

  29. Well, I'm late jumping on the Imagine bandwagon, but I just purchased mine a couple of months ago. I hesitated getting one at first because of all the problems people were having with them, but since then I believe things have settled down a bit. I purchased mine used due to affordability, but I love using it. It works nicely and is just different from using my Cricut Expression (my first machine). I own tons of Cricut carts and just recently ordered a few Imagine carts. It's really sad to hear that this machine will no longer be available. I'm hoping that is not true as it really is a nice machine to work with. At first I was a little intimidated by it, but after using it a while now, I'm really feeling comfortable with it. I'm sure I have not even explored all the possibilities with it yet. I do have a Gypsy (another device which I LOVE and hope will not become extinct :) , but I have not used my Imagine with it nor with CCR - another area I have not explored yet. Please PC, keep the imagine and give us new carts to inspire us with. Thank you!

  30. I recently purchased my Imagine and now I wonder what on earth took me so long???? I love it and of course will love it even more when it will work properly with the CCR. I have a cricut cake, cricut, expression and the E2. I have just about every Imagine cartridge and love creating with it. I have been doing the same thing. Just printing with the Imagine and cutting with the E2 when I use the CCR. Please, Please keep working out the bugs and please don't let a few of the negative cricut owners ruin it for the rest of us. We love our BUGS and love PROVO craft. Keep on working and designing for us! Teresa

  31. I adore my Imagine! I would really love to see more Imagine carts...I was really hoping this year they would release a Halloween cart.

  32. I received my Imagine for Christmas last year. I rarely print, just cut. I love using the CCR and have since day one; however, it can take 10 times of the mat being kicked out and reloaded before it will cut. I did not use the last update, heard there were too many problems with it. I broke down and bought the E2 on sale and ADORE the machine- it has never failed to cut on the first try. Right now, my E2 sits on top of my Imagine, which I haven't used in weeks. I guess what I am saying in there have been a lot of little problems with the Imagine - enough that I bought the E2- and won't be using the Imagine in the forseeable future unless the bugs are worked out. I have a Cuttlebug and many cartridges, so it is not like I am giving up on ProvoCraft. I would like to see the expensive Imagine do all the wonderful things it is supposed to do, and do them well.

  33. I am a loyal Provo Craft gal all the way! I have every machine & I love them all. I really love my Imagine, despite it has a few quirks sometimes. I like to say it's "moody", but aren't we all?! My only real complaint about it is that I have to re-calibrate the blade every time I turn it on. It's not a huge deal, but I use it almost daily, so it wastes a fair amount of paper just on calibration. Sometimes I even have to re-calibrate it 3 or 4 times before it comes out right. I still love my Imagine & all my Provo Craft products! I'm kinda behind on the latest rumors, but it seems like an awful lot of people are just panicking & jumping ship to get a Cameo instead, but in my opinion that's giving too much power to rumors that probably aren't even valid. I have $1000s invested in PC & it would take a heck of a lot more than just a couple rumors to get me to abandon everything. Not to mention my husband would kill me! I don't use the CCR because the main reason why I love my Cricuts is I don't HAVE TO use a computer with them. I'm probably in the minority here, but I'm perfectly happy without involving a computer (except for updates, of course). I love designing on my Gypsy & that's what works for me. I hope with all of my heart that PC figures out whatever it needs to figure out, so that we can keep enjoying their amazing machines!

    Diana :)
    Leelee Card Designs

  34. I would cry my eyes out if they cancelled Imagine. I LOVE IT. I can't live w/out it.

  35. My husband just bought me my first cricut on Jan 12th,2013. It is the cricut Imagine. Of course it was at a great price....Hobby Lobby said they just were not going to carry it anymore. Of course we didn't know it was discontinued. I just knew someday I would get a cricut. Now I don't know if I should keep it. He paid only 107.oo for it. And he bought all 17 cartridges they had on sale also. (4-6 dollars each) The machine is big. I have only seen the cricut exp.2 in use. It is what all the ladies bring to the big weekend crops. I am intimated by these machines. I hope Provo Craft will keep making cartridges and offer support. I hope we didn't just throw our money away.


We would love to hear what you have to say about these projects and it encourages all of us to keep sharing with you. Let us know you are out there and that you looked at this today.