Thursday, August 9, 2012

Theme Day Thursday August 9, 2012 Theme- Bedtime or Milk and Cookies

Today's themes are Bedtime or Milk and Cookies. The design Team as always has made some great projects to share with you all.

Don't forget to comment each day to be entered to win this week's giveaway of the Spring Cottage Cricut cartridge sponsored by Provo Craft

Nanné created this layout with several cartridges and Cricut Craftroom design software. All of the printed papers are from Hey Diddle Diddle Imagine cartridge as are some of the die cuts.. regular cartridges used: George and Basic Shapes, Wild Card2, Everyday Paper Dolls and My Community. Please visit her blog to see how she made this

For this project Nadja used Tags, Bags and Boxes 2, From My Kitchen, Picturesque, Cherry Limeaid and George and Basic Shapes.
Her blog address is

Teresa created a layout about one of her favorite cookie recipes.
Please visit her blog to see all the details!

Marji used From my Kitchen on her layout,
 please visit her blog for the full details.

Jamie L used the Imagine Cards Inside & Out cartridge to make her card. To see how she made it please visit her blog:

Tammy has created a bedtime layout using Cursive 101 and Christmas. She's used her gypsy to weld words and create shadows. For more information and pictures, check out her

Melissa used Chore Chart Lite, Spring Holiday Cards, Word Collage, and Plantin Schoolbook to make her project. To see more, please visit her blog at

For the Bedtime theme Angie used the cartridge EveryDay Paper Dolls, and the lite cartridge SleepOver. Check out her blog for all the details.


  1. Love the projects today Ladies! Great work!

    MCCR DT, Lisa Ch

  2. Awesome projects today. But now I want milk, a cookie and a bedtime story.
    Tammy, MCCR DT

  3. so many unique takes on the theme...fabulous job ladies!!

  4. Awesome projects! I left you all some love on your blogs!



We would love to hear what you have to say about these projects and it encourages all of us to keep sharing with you. Let us know you are out there and that you looked at this today.