Friday, July 13, 2012

Want to Win a Cricut Cartridge???

Want to Win a Cricut Cartridge???
Provo-Craft has so wonderfully, given me a few cartridges to giveaway to all of you!

Here is how....
Comment here (nicely) what improvements you think would make Cricut items (machines, Cartridges) better or help you use what you already own?

How can they help us Cricut users?

What type/theme cartridges would you like to see?

What can they do to help YOU?????

What can they do better, as far as products go?

Anything else they should know???

I will put this together and send it to them :)


  1. I think the booklets would be a great start. I know for me some of the cuts on the cartridges are just to tiny to work with. I would love to see more fixes on the imagine machine.
    MCCR DT Shelley

  2. Super cool. I have no prob,ems with they do their books. I would love to see dome carts with chunky kids and animals like paper piecing! Thanks Callyann

  3. I would love it if the CCR software could be local on the computer. My internet went down in the middle of a project so I had to wait to finish it:(
    Thanks for the awesome give away! Would love to have that cart :)

  4. I think they should create an app for the iPad that connects you to the craft room so you can make creations using your iPad. The price of the app can be reasonable to the consumer. They can save the project to their craft room account and cut and create it later.

  5. Your booklet idea is awesome, I have older eyes and it's still very hard to see the little images on the screen. I also agree about the chunky kids (I had one of those). Sometimes I do get a cartridge and I have a hard time trying to figure out how to put the items together (purses, boxes, etc.) I did notice that the Over The Hill booklet did show you how to assemble things though.


  6. I too think a booklet .. a-z from basics to advanced. I think I would also like to see some more reasonably priced cartridges.

    thanks for a chance to win one :-)

    lostnwa98 at

  7. As far as cartridges, more character related ones, like Dr.Suess, Curious George, cartridges that have a little bit of everything like a variety cartridge so there is something to suit everyones taste. Maybe a pay version of CCR for those without internet or ones that have frequent problems with their internet service. More tutorials and projects with Imagine cartridges too.

  8. How wonderful that you got to meet with PC. I was making a list as I used CCR last time and here are a few things I wish it had: 1. Save colors to a custom pallet for imagine images 2. Align a group of images on the mat with each other like in photoshop (left, right, center. 3. Eye dropper to select a color that is already been placed on the mat to add to the item #1 the custom color pallet. 4. Put the RBG codes in the imagine books for the color pallets printed in the pattern books.

  9. Most def reasonably priced cartidges & I would love to see them come out with a font cartridge that does Curz & Monogram etc. I do love the new books that is coming out with all the newer cartridges, much easier to figure out.



  10. The use of couponswould be nice....your booklet Idea...The character cart as someone else has suggested..better communications with their customers

  11. I always love the idea of new cartridges, but it is hard because I am a 20 something with no kids, so several of the new releases do not apply to me... I would really like to see some sort of college themed cart, or more house party themes including cute cocktails, game night, bonfires, party sayings, those kinds of things. I also like the cartridges that have fun patterns. I would love to see a cartridge that cut out fun backgrounds like chevron patterns, circles, those kinds of things for layouts!!

    Thanks for the chance to win, and hope these suggestions help a little bit!

    cherie.goyer at

  12. I would like to see "large print" books. LOL, my eyes really have a hard time seeing those tiny little images in the books. How about a Cricut for Dummies book? As far as cartridges, I just prefer simple and easy.

  13. I am new to Cricut, but I do own the Cricut Cake Machine and the Cricut Imagine. I have had some trouble with the cake machine and wish that there would be a help line for troubleshooting where I can talk to a live person about my specific issues. I've tried to call the help line, but I am still stuck. So, more help would be great. =) I would also love to see more cartridges geared toward school themes. As a teacher I would love to have bulletin board/large lettering, etc... Since I am new to all of this, I am not sure what all is out there, but I can't wait to find out! =)

  14. 1) Bigger photos and designs along with instruction booklets.
    2) Show us more how to use shadows and some of the other features.
    3) Pirates and Mermaids-not the Imagine one but for the Expressions and Reg. Cricut.
    4) Crafts, Cards, Cakes, Deco, kids projects, B-day parties.
    5) Have a second holder for the ink pen so that can run directly behind or before the blade.
    6) A bigger and better booklet with more explanations and photos or step by step photos you can see in it. Photos have got to be bigger.
    7) Once again....LARGER IMAGES in booklet!!! Thanks!!! Kandace

  15. As a new Cricut user I love it and the only complaint I can come up with is the carts are kind of expensive. Other than that the products are awesome.


    Tammy Powers

  16. I would like to see better explanation on how to put the images together inside the manuals. In the CCR I would love to have the option to buy single cuts from cartridges that include all the features for just that cut at $5 or less.
    Of course I will have to agree with the rest the ladies and say more reasonably priced cartridges as well.

  17. I recently purchased the new cutting mats and it seems like they may be thinner and the cut doesn't go all the way through. Could it be my Expression or some other problem? I do like the stickiness, it's just right! I appreciate the giveaway and hope to win!

    carolcarratt at msn dot com

  18. Reasonably priced cartridges. Would love a whole cartridge of different mini albums.

    ShersL84bed at aol dot com

  19. I purchased the mats and found them to not be sticky at al, unlike the old mats. I also would like to see an animal print themed cart. my niece just found out she is pregnant and really wants the animal print as her baby bunting preference. if they had a cart that went along with that theme, or even a camo theme would be great.

    Dawn Barnhart

  20. More character related cartridges. Images for the Imagine that are not so dull, some bright colors, PLEASE...

    Thanks for compiling our wants and presenting to Provo Craft.

    Have a great day.


  21. I would like to be able to plug my gypsy into my computer or tv or any large monitor for easier viewing while making my designs. Also make programmes compatible with Mac computers. On behalf of all the Aussie girls we would love to take advantage of some of the great specials you have on but you only ship to Canada and USA. It would be great to have an Australian Cartridge made by an Aussie. Would love to be part of the designing if you do. I miss the old message board where us Aussies had our own section that was easy to find. We have moved over to Facebook due to the slowness of the postings and nowhere to put our creations for a quick reference. I also find some of the books confusing with all the layers. A picture of each layer coloured as per image example would help. Disney carts have that at the beginning of the book but would be great if it was for each image. If that is too involved maybe a proper video on each cartridge and its uses would be fantastic as most of us are visual learners. I would be happy to pay for an informative video on a special cartridge that I liked as long as it wasn't too expensive. What ever you decide to do just keep it simple so we can get on with enjoying crafting

  22. I agree the booklets on the cricut lite etc that just come with one sheet of paper need to be bigger with more instructions. Otherwise there fantastic

  23. It seems a lot of the newer cartridges are dupes of something that already exists, but maybe slight differences. I'd like to see cartridges of more characters that are popular now, Harry Potter, some of the new Disney Princesses, etc. I loved the digital Zombie cartridge! Maybe some lower prices on the cartridges, I can't even get them cheap on ebay anymore : (

    Also, I have to look at the booklets page by page to see what's in the cartridges, maybe an easier way to do that. I always find cool things that I didn't even know were there.

  24. I would like to see a Monogram cartridge with several styles. I wish that there were storage boxes for all of the solutions cartridges to make them easier to display on the shelf. I tend to want to display mine for all to see like trophies. It makes me happy to go in my craft room and just look at them sitting on the shelf!

  25. I would really like to see a cartridge with a mish mash of Nintendo images, from their games such as Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Pokemon particularly eyc etc. My onbly other request would be to make it easier for overseas Cricut users to purchase from Provocraft. foe some reasonn I am unable to purchase digital content, even though I have been able to get rewards sent to me...

  26. Your booklet first!! Then, I would really love to see more carts that build from the bottom such as CAC so much better than trying to use tiny pieces!! I agree that the should ship to Australia too!! A whole cartridge that has scenes in it eg lake, beach, castle & moat, farm ect. Thanks for all you have done and are doing to make it easier for us to get the most out of our cricut machines!! Cheers Jennie jendewar at

  27. Being able to use coupons for Cricut at Michaels would be nice. Love the new booklet ideas. Am waiting to be able to link my gypsy to ccr. Thanks for all your wonderful ideas they are inspiring:)

  28. I would love to see a camo cart too =) More guy type ones would be great...I always have a hard time with guy cards and LO ! I'm glad you had fun and how awesome they gave you carts for prizes wooohooo....tracyzahm at

  29. First of all communication is key and I think that is something that has been lacking lately. Instead of avoiding questions and speculation, address concerns head on and I think the customers would be a little more content. I absolutely hate when people post on the message boards with tons of negativity! I would love to see them revamp the registration process so that it is easier to add all of your products quickly. I have not done this because the process seems to take forever to load each one!

    I would love them to come out with a new version of the Gypsy! I would love to have a tablet type that has the larger screen.

    Improvements in the booklets...they are much better than the older ones as far as ease in turning the pages without tearing. Larger images with clearer pictures showing the layering would be great.

    I am a huge PC fan and cannot get enough of their products! I am so encouraged and excited that they are taking steps to create a new atmosphere at PC! How exciting that you got to go visit and meet the new executives!


  30. I am not a fan of the cuts that have several different parts all in one cut so that they are all the same color and so you have to cut more than once and have wasted cut. hope I explained ok, is there another way of doing it?

    1. This is the same complaint I have! Its a waste of product and time. It would be nice to have them on different function buttons that have nothing on them anyway! I'm right on board with you Cathy!

  31. All-in-all, I LOVE my Cricut....I agree with everyone that the booklets DEFINITELY need improvement. I would LOVE the Dr. Seuss cartridge as well---good idea!
    I do all of the children's programming and storyteller at a public library and use my Cricut CONSTANTLY for crafts and decorating the library and Seuss would be a wonderful asset!! The new cartridge you are giving away is GREAT!!!

    Thank you,

  32. I would love to see some kind of kindle fire app! I would also love to see some classic cartoon cartridges: scoobydoo, bugs bunny etc. or Dr. Seuss! Christina

  33. The layouts in the booklets are sometimes very hard to see because of the pastel colours used in printing. Maybe putting the shapes in a certain order throughout all booklets - so that you know if for example you want a cirlce shaped object it would be in the front few pages and say a rectangle would be in the middle. If it was done on a regular bases we would get used to where the items are.

    More resonable prices on the cartridges would be good too:-)

    TFS the chance to win a cartridge.

  34. I would like to ba able to make my shadow or blackout thicker or thinner. An adjustable shadow yep that us what I would like

  35. ***How can they help us Cricut users?
    Allow Michaels, Joanns, and Hobby Lobby to accept coupons on their products! I'm a coupon junkie, allowing coupon savings in stores would allow me to purchase more of their products.

    ***What type/theme cartridges would you like to see?
    I would like to see a Girl Scout themed cartridge with the G.S logo and badge images.
    I would also like to see a Bicycling cartridge with the many different styles of bikes all on one cartridge.
    Lastly, a Greek Alphabet cartridge would be nice. I know that there is one on the cricut craftroom but I dont know how to use it! (lol)

    ***What can they do better, as far as products go?
    Putting a keypad image placement picture on each template page in their booklets would be very helpful.

    ***Anything else they should know???
    I love my cricut! I look forward to all the other items products that will come out in the future! I will be a Cricut user for life.

  36. I have several things to suggest, some already mentioned but important to state again so they see it is important for many people!

    Improve the booklets/handbooks...give us the information we need in an easy to see format (LIKE YOUR IDEAS!!).
    Make prices reasonable with the cartridges and the digital images. Some of those images are NOT worth the prices they ask, especially when they offer only 3 or 4 images.
    Using coupons at the chain stores on PC items should be allowed. They'll sell a lot more in those stores!
    Make the mats adhesiveness last longer!
    Remember that as they come out with new products, there are many people who can not afford to buy every new machine... and many who may still use the original baby bug or Expression. DON'T forget these customers and continue to support with cartridges, mats, etc.
    I Love using the Cricut!

  37. I love my Gypsy and just started using the E2. I know cartridges are downloadable to CCR (which I don't use). I would love to be able to just download carts to my Gypsy. It would also be nice to download/upload the carts between the E2 and Gypsy. Last, it would nice for ProvoCraft to send out a monthly e-mail with updates. I used to get a Gypsy e-mail newsletter but I haven't seen one of those in a very, very, long time. I just don't have the time to go searching the boards for info. That's why I love your blog! :)

  38. I like your books. I would also like more detailed instructions for putting together 3D items. IPAD Cricut Craft room APP would be great. Would also like more selection at Cricut Rewards

  39. I would like to see a change in price for the digital selections. I feel like they are not as good as a value of the full size cartridges. If there was more content or a lower price I think that would help. I just hate paying 9.99 for 12 images when I can buy a cartridge and get a lot more for my money.

    I do LOVE my cricut expression and LOVE the craft room!

  40. I think the wording in the books should be a little bit bigger. Some of us have a hard time seeing the words.
    Other than that i love everything

  41. I would love to see a phrase cartridge. Such as "Merry Christmas", "Happy Birthday", "Wishing You Well" things like that. Also, their booklets seem to tear when you are flipping through the pages when you first open the box. To fix that issue would be nice. I love my cricut and I am super excited to see what is to come!!!

  42. First off Erica thanks for the chance to win..

    What could change well if like many others the prices of the carts would come down or coupons could be used would be wonderful...

    easier manual to follow not so many detailed cuts.

    Cricut mats stayed sticky longer. Also if the blades would last longer than they do now..

    New carts maybe more for sports, summer time carts, birthday themes

    I love all there products so far, looking forward to what they will come up with in the future.


  43. I would like to see more cartridges with the gel pens. And Maybe some more characters like strawberry short cake, scooby-doo, rainbow bright etc. A monkey cartridge would be great or jungle themed. They are hot right now for baby rooms. I don't really have any issues with anything.

  44. First question, I would love to see them use your project, and make the photos bigger. Sometimes it is hard to see all of the little layers.. And I would love them to lower the prices of the cartridges, and or allow us to use coupons at JoAnn's, Michael's and Hobby Lobby on Cricut products.

    Theme/type: a Sea World cart.

    To help me?: I am having problems with the CCR, it is hard for me to figure out which layer is first, second, and so one... maybe a little book, or paper layout that I can print to see how it should look in the end...

  45. Love their carts, would love to see them more reasonably priced when first released! Also good info like you share on how to maximize the use of the machines. Thanks Erica!

  46. I think bigger booklets would be great. The ability to cut images from the internet would be great too. Other than that for what I do with all 3 of my Cricut works fine for me.

  47. I love my Gypsy and Cricut and use them on just about every page I make. I would like Provo Craft to look into a partnership with the NCAA and make Collegiate carts.

  48. I REALLY wish the Imagine did more and wish I could use the gypsy features on the Imagine. I hate that when I use my gypsy it's the exact features as on my machine, it's so limited. I want to be able to move things on the mat too on the Imagine.
    Thanks Erica for giving us this opportunity :)

  49. For those that like me don't use ccr because all you 200+ cartridges are already liked to gypsy. Why can we also be able to link then in ccr, since you paid alot for them! I would like to be able to from my gypsy link all my cartridges into ccr. I bet that a lot of people would star using the ccr, I would.

  50. I would like for them to maybe not come out with so many new carts but rerelease retired ones. I would love the Hello Kitty font which I have been trying to get for about a year now,but I refuse to pay the crazy prices on EBAY!

  51. I would like to see a change with the mats. Mine are either too sticky or not sticky at all. I have two mats that the paper is stuck and the other one I can't get images off without tearing the image. I too would like to see coupons being used for cricut products. Thanks for the chance to win.

  52. I think it would help a lot if there was more information as for when you first get your machine and are trying to get started using it. It was trial and error for me and then I had to help my 2 aunts learn on their Cricut machines. Tips could be: what all the buttons on the machine do, all the different buttons available on different cartridges and what they can do. The different things the machine can cut and what settings are recommended for cutting them. Suggestion sizes for main image on cards or scrapbook page titles. Which way the images are measured (top to bottom or side to side.)
    Hope these help. Just a few things I know we learnt by trial and error and it waste paper when you cut stuff out in the wrong size.

  53. I would love to see more artistic cartridges like the Close To My Heart design. As many have already stated: better mats!It would also be nice to upgrade the rewards section a lot more frequently than they currently do.Speaking of the rewards section, why are the points so high to get a cart and the shipping is really too high they must be a cheaper way. Other than that I Love my PC products and own almost every machine they make, lol. Thanks for hearing us and please incorporate Erica's idea on the handbook the color coding is a fabulous idea as well as suggested size to cut knowing some of the images have such minut cuts. Thank, I just love all my Provo Craft products!!!

  54. I would love to be able to use coupons at Michael's, Hobby Lobby, and JoAnn's.
    I would like the CCR to work better with my Imagine (I still haven't used the new version because it shuts down the Imagine Machine).
    I would like to see more teacher/school cartridges! Erica- poll your followers and find out how many are teachers and use the Cricut for the classroom :)
    I love my PC products- an Imagine, a Cuttlebug, and I recently won a YourStory. I would like to add the Expression2 to my collection.
    Thanks for the chance to win a new cartridge!

  55. I agree with all the suggestions posted. Especially getting more value for your money on the CCR images, and improving the booklets. I also wish they would go back to the magnetic cardboard boxes for storage. I cover those and use them at work - can't do that with the plastic ones.
    Would also love a rugby cartridge and more font ones.

  56. I would like to see the manuals revamped. I like your idea on how the items are put together but also if they could pick realistic colors to work with to really give us ideas on the true beauty of the cuts, that would be wonderful. I really wish they would have the gypsy and imagine in stock again too. So many people are looking for these and can't find them. Other than that, LOVE my Cricut products!

    dietzrobles at yahoo dot com

  57. I Love my Cricut Expression, I have the Bright Green one that I bought from Wal-Mart. What am I to do when something happens to it??? I think they should have more color Choices, and If they ever do, I hope they bring back the bright Green one. Several People have told me that want to buy the Green one. As far as the Cartridges go. They need to make the Images and words larger and some times when your pieces layers together they don't line up and a lot of the Images need Shadows. I think they bring out to many new Cartridges at once and our way to pricy. A Few of the Cartridges that I am hoping to see, Is Strawberry Shortcake, Create a Critter 2, and another Cartridge like A Child's Year. I also think they should allow Store's like Michaels and Hobby Lobby to let us use the Coupon's on their Products. Maybe not the Machines, but at least the Accessories like the cutting Mats and things like that.
    Thanks so much for the chance to win! :0)

  58. I would like to see more diverse cartirdges that represent ALL users especially for Imagine cartridges. I also think we should have the ability to change colors on the imagine without losing details. Instructional videos on how to assemble some of the 3d images (i.e. giant flowers) would be nice to. The instructions are not clear...

  59. Wow, what a great idea for suggestions! I think that it would be awesome for Cricut to identify what sort of blade depth and speed would be best for some of the objects we are cutting. Sometimes you don't realize until you start how much detail there really is! Also, and I've noticed they've started to do it with some of the new cartridges such as "Victorian Romance", letting us know the minimum size we should cut something at would be great- then there is less chance our image will be ruined if we've chosen the wrong size!

  60. My biggest issue with PC is the updating process...I think it is very confusing and not user friendly. I have spent entire days trying to update everything and have not been successful. I have a 2 year old and my time is very limited as to when I can create, so having my PC equipment up-to-date is very important in being able to use that equipment. So my suggestion to PC would be to have more user friendly instructions on how to update the PC equipment.

    I also would love to see a full cartridge just about Zombies...they are so popular right now and I think they would be a big seller toward the younger PC users.
    I would also love to see a "Wizard of Oz" cartridge and a Looney Toons character cartridge.

    Carol (Carol's Creations)

  61. I agree with all of the above suggestions. I love all my cricut machines! I am still having some issues with my E2. The Imagine is nice but would like the feature to change colors for all details! As for the digital images, way over priced! I wanted the popcorn one for my classroom but it was too much money for too few of images. I have not bought any for this reason. I also wish I could use my Sure Cuts Alot which I paid 60.00 for just before the legal issues. I have close to 100 cartridges and would just like the opportunity for creativity. For instance I made a cute magnifying glass for my daughters Nancy Drew Halloween layout. Not something you would probably find on a cartridge at the time I made it.

  62. It would be great if provo craft created a higher quality cutting system for smaller more detailed cuts. It is always so difficult to stop from tearing paper. I would love to see a welding button on the machine to not have to go to the computer. The carts. need to stop being so repetitive. It really hurts the pocket to buy a cart. for 1 or 2 cuts we like and the others are basically the same as another cart. we may own. There are many cuts like fairies, sewing notions and other cute items that I have never seen on a cart. Lastly, it would be awesome to be able to do any cuts of any brand on the cricut and the CCR.

    marg0006 at verizon dot net
    Loving Scrapper101

  63. Also, I would like the use of coupons at Michaels, JoAnns etc.
    iPad app great idea ;)
    Erica's cartridge manual color codes are awesome for a clearer explanation.
    More variety for cricut rewards

  64. Comment here (nicely) what improvements you think would make Cricut items (machines, Cartridges) better or help you use what you already own?

    How can they help us Cricut users?

    What type/theme cartridges would you like to see?

    What can they do to help YOU?????

    What can they do better, as far as products go?

    Anything else they should know???
    STAMPS TO MATCH THE CRICUT IMAGES WOULD BE GREAT… Close To My Heart has a really good thing going as they keep adding stamps for existing images.

  65. well... Some carts I'd like to see would be.. maybe a Muppets, other disney classics like dumbo, lion king, aristacats, 101 dalmatians, maybe a disneyland/world themed cart that has like the logos for the different parks and some of the rides, some more halloween and other holiday themed carts, maybe a cat in the hat themed cart or universal studios, a movie themed cart.. (like film reels, negatives, some popular movie quotes and images to go with, and other show business related stuff), and maybe a kids show cart (like dinosaur train, sid the science kid, stuff like that).

    Something that would help me use my machine more would be the ability to move things on the imagine mat like put them closer like you can on the gypsy with the other cricut machines.. that would be nice. Oh Id love to see a disney themed imagine cart. And as has already been stated the ability to use SVGs or other files like that would definitely make cricut more of a competitor nowadays as far as new buyers go.. i personally would use it more if it had that option but i think it would definitely help them sell to people considering the other machines out there. :) thanks for listening to our input!! :D

    Love the idea of stamps to match the Cricut images such as Close To My Heart!
    Larger print for the detailed cuts as well as EASY TO FIND button placement.
    Love my Cricut but feel as though Silhouette has them beat on more up to date images, more sophisticated and Cricut needs to come up with more contemporary "Funky" modern designs not just cutesy stuff. There is an overload of those. I own both machines.
    LOVE the idea of being able to use coupons and tired of going to the stores to play the "PRICE" game like on sale now for $29.99 then @ Michael"s for $39.99.
    Create a font that when cut @ 1/2" size, the letters hold together !
    Better product choices to use on Cricut points in the lower range under 4,000.
    Thanks Erica !

  67. First of all I love my Cricuts and cartridges.

    I really like and think it is GREAT PR that they allow us to play with a cut for a week on CCR. This is a great idea and I like that they have continued with 3D cones and now 3D Lanterns.
    I had put off using CCR (I have CDS) but the free use of the Father's Day cards enticed me to give CCR a go and now I'm HOOKED!
    I have even (gasp) purchased some of the digital cuts (I thought I'd never get into that)
    I am more likely to buy a digital cut if I can play with it and see how it cuts first.

    I like that they hired a Social Media person (welcome Nathan) and that he included visits (and comments) to the message board. Not all of us do Facebook, etc. This is a huge step in the direction of opening up communication.

    The cartridge I'd like to see is one that has those cute little paper piecing animals like teddy bears I've been seeing all over. They could make a deal with those artists or a PC artist could come up with their own version.

    I'd love to see a CCR app for my android tablet.

    Thanks for the chance to share some ideas, comments, etc with PC.

    dmcardmaker (at
    (email follower)

  68. I'm back. lol
    I posted this under the other post too but felt this was important enough to me to include it here also. Here's what I wrote concerning your design idea for cartridge handbooks. GREAT JOB BY THE WAY!!!!!
    Oh my gosh this would be wonderful!!!!!
    It would make seeing the cuts we need so much easier!
    I have my cartridge handbooks downloaded to my 7 in tablet and this would make seeing them so much better there, too!
    I love the section you have that shows the cuts we need and the order to push the buttons to get that cut. the colors help a lot, too!
    I think if the handbooks were set up this way PC would get some of those customers that maybe a little nervous about how to get started.
    I always have to sketch out the cut, its button location, the feature buttons I'll need etc and this would save me a lot of time.
    My wish would be that they redo the older cart handbooks as well as the new ones.

    dmcardmaker (at
    (email follower)

  69. I think your booklet idea would be a nice start. I would like more home decor type carts and ideas. It would be nice if they could make ammends with SCAL or MTC so we would be able to use them with our Cricuts. I would like to be able to use this software but really don't want to replace my Cricut with another machine. I doubt this will ever happen, but it sure would be nice. BTW I would love to win a new cartridge, I haven't bought any new ones in quite some time.
    dr_goss@yahoo dot com

  70. I would love the ability to be able to have a "favorite spot" button on the Cricut. I have a better selection of 8 1/2 x 11 paper than I do 12x12 and I find myself going back to the same spot to start cutting when I use the smaller paper. Or if I am using 8x8 or any other size than 12x12. A go to my favorite spot would save me lots of time overall!

    Also a searchable database online for images would be great! has such a great start but I notice so many images missing. The craft room has this but I believe it searches by what the cut is called in the software, not necessarily what the shape really is.

    Hope those ideas help! And thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

  71. They need to make the handbooks more easy to read (like bigger type) I have vision problems and they are so hard to read and understand. Or make them available on line so we can print them what size works for us.

  72. I would like to be able to emboss 12x12 sheets of paper; this would really help improve my ability to use my paper crafting skills. I would love to see refills for the pens I already need them and would prefer to order them with other supplies. They can help “US” Cricut users by having a dedicated person online to help answer questions on Facebook. I do believe that would alleviate many rumors and phone calls to PC. I love all Cricut products even with the little hiccups my E2 is having, I call and they try real hard to work it out. I am very happy to see that they changed the plastic cases which break after opening and I would also like to have the option to order a new plastic case as well. I store the carts in the cases on the wall and they need to be replaced from time to time. As far as products go I think that PC has been doing a great job and I would love to see something Harry Potter if possible or Coca Cola or maybe M-n-M’s !!!

  73. I actually wish their booklets explained a little better certain cuts, sometimes I have had to figure out how things go or what layer is for what and it takes more times than I always want to give... I also miss their weekly letter with ideas it really kept me connected to their products and to others... One last thing is their rewards program... it use to be filled with all kinds of wonderful things but now it's just the old stuff or things that I wouldn't even want so I have rewards just sitting there collecting dust. Thanks so much!

  74. As many people have said, your idea for the booklets is a great start. We would love it if the books were easier to figure out. Especially when there are multiple layers. I also agree with everyone about CCR, I might use it if we could link our gypsies to it. Also, when they come out with new carts, they should already have the updates for the gypsy ready at the same time they release the carts. I do not every craft without my gypsy. Well only maybe when using TBBM2, bedcause of the scoring. Anyway, I am still waiting for the update so that Wild Card 2 and the new A Quilted Christmas can be used with my gypsy.

  75. Oh yeah, I too would love to be able to purchase some of the older carts, even if in digital form so I can link them to my gypsy. Paper Pups, Hello Kitty, etc.

  76. Hi Erica, I know you must be having a wonderful time. It was written all over your face during the broadcast this morning! Enjoy and take some pictures if you can!!!
    My suggestions:
    I think the idea of making the actual handbooks a little easier to follow, especially for beginners, would be amazing. It wasn't long ago that I first started out and wondered where to start my cutting. I think that there should be a way to view the images and smaller cuts larger or it should be available in larger print for those of us that may be a little visually challenged. I would love to see a Crop With Me cartridge that actually focuses on us as crafters. So often many of us are at crops, classes, or even just at home and doing what we love, but there aren't a lot of "Scrapbook" and "Paper Craft" related cuts. A whole cartridge would be bomb diggity! Also, for intense cuts that are a little more on the technical side (like 3D projects for instance) aren't explained thoroughly in the books. I would like to add, that in these economically difficult times, wanting the newest cartridges and being able to buy them don't always go hand in hand. I for one, would love all of the new releases, and A LOT of the older cartridges, but have to wait until I can catch and extremely deep discount or even buy then used in order to own them. So maybe considering cost decreases on some of their cartridges would be a great idea.
    Jessica S
    Jessica's Craft Shaque

  77. I agree with everyone else, the booklets should be a little easier to use and understand. Also getting discontinued or hard to get carts would be nice. Thanks for working as hard as you do for us.

    Ildi-The Craftin Mama

  78. I agree with many of the other comments, but there are a couple of items I didn't see addressed (I may have missed them)... I wish PC would test their products better prior to releasing them. I have had (and still have) nearly every machine PC has made. But when it comes to software and synching, I feel that PC has released items too early with several bugs in them (this includes some cartriges). I wish they would test them better prior to releasing them. I have spent a number of hours with the PC customer support staff on several issues and have almost given up on my cricut machines since my issues have not been able to be resolved. I hold no ill-will towards PC and their awesome customer support staff, it is just somewhat frustrating to get an item or software and it not work the way it should. Thank you for all of your hard work and everything you do for the blogging community.

    txkickerbelle at yahoo dot com

  79. Thanks for the chance to win. I love your handbook idea, that's great! I hope they incorporate that in future handbooks. I would also love to see them do Professional Sports team cartridges, starting with Major League Baseball and the National Football League. I would also love a Snoopy or Peanuts cartridge, oh and the Muppets. Also a cartridge that has public safety profession images, something more grown up looking and not so cartoonish, that would include Sheriff, Police, Fire, EMS, Dispatchers, Doctors and Nursing. I would also love an Ipad app for CCR. I guess I will quit now, I have a big wish list. I love all of my Cricut machines and cartridges and I'm looking forward to what PC has for us in the future.

  80. I eould lke to see better step by step direstions for difficult projects such as the Haunted House from Halloween Hauntings Cartridge. My friend and I cut out all the pieces today but stopped as it al seemed a bit confusion. Will work on it again tomorrow.
    Nice new team. Wish I would have made the cut but maybe next time.
    God Bless!

  81. By the way I would also like to own another machine but cannot get cartridges or machines delivered here (Mexico) without the shipping being so expensive I know that is not a problem with PC as I love my Cricuit itis the first one ever made and would love to be able to update it. I only have a few cartridges as I cannot affor them but do see some great deals in your store so I should be ordering some from you soon! Will you ship to Mexico as I see you ship to US and Canada Thanks

  82. I have all the cricut cutters. 1st.. and most important to me is being able to link my carts to both gypsy and ccr. Then imagine fixes and ccr compatible with my kindle. And better books. Maybe some retired carts on rewards. I have everything there.

  83. The images in the booklets are too small! Enlarge the images so it is easier to see!

  84. Your idea books would be great! It would be so much easier to see all the cuts needed. I wish would be for more Imagine carts, but ones that aren't so retro with "odd" colors.
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  85. I wish they would come out with a Strawberry Shortcake cartridge! That would be awesome! Would also love to see the booklets be a little easier like your idea..I am always helping my friends figure out what layers to cut what colors at crops!

    Thanks for the chance to win!!

    Heather Lynn

    1. oh Strawberry shortcake would be great. Wonderful Idea!
      MCCR DT

  86. I love my cricut and all the wonderful things that I have been able to create with it. There are some things that I would love to see improved. I don't know if these will fit into your questions but here are some of my thoughts.

    More detailed booklets. Especially for cartridges like everyday pop up cards. I have had that cart since it first came out and I am still not able to make any of the pop ups in it because of the lack of instructions.

    I would like to see some of the retired cartridges re-released so that crafters who were not using cricut when it first came out have a chance to get some of the great ones that were retired. I think that the digitals they have are great but me personally I like to have the actually cartridge with the booklet.

    with money being so tight for most Americans it would be great if the price of cartridges were lower and if they allowed Michaels and other craft stores to accept the coupons on PC products.

    As far as cartridges that I would like to see, I would like to see a cartridge that was full of manly things, more than handyman. I think a cart with tools and cars and general guy stuff(not just golf) would be a great on to have. I would also love to see a create a critter 2.

    I think that PC has the best customer service that I have see from any company. I had a problem with my imagine and they were so helpful and continued to help me until it was right. The CSR even would email me to make sure that I had gotten the new one and gave me credit to use on the website. I think that Customer Service is a big part of being a great company and I would like them to know that they are doing a great Job with that.

    Thank you Erica for taking our concerns and trying to improve our crafting experience.


  87. I love my Expression and I really have no complaints. I used to think the handbooks were printed too small. Then I got bi-focals and realized the problem was mine, not Cricuts! I love the cartridge based system and would not like it if Cricut went strictly digital.

  88. Would love to have your booklets with step-by-step tutorials! Thanks so much.

  89. Would love to have your booklets with step-by-step tutorials! Thanks so much.

  90. I have about 10 cartridges and I think if they gave us more ideas in the booklets that would help me the most. Step-by-step tutorials would be really nice too. I also agree with the other people that the images on the booklets can be too small.

  91. I would love to be able to transfer what is in the craft room to my gypsy - I can't think of any ideas maybe a 80's cartridge?

  92. I like the booklet thing too. They are hard for me to see sometimes. I HATE the carts that come with nothing (Victorian Romance) except the overlay. I would like to see a Betty Boop cart. I would like to be able to buy the digital carts with my reward points. Being able to use SVG images would be great. I guess they worry about their profits, but no matter what else I could cut, I would always return to PC to get an image I want. It would keep people from buying other machines. Elsie

  93. This comment has been removed by the author.

  94. I would like to see more detail in the books and the new mats are either too sticky or not sticky enough. Thank you

  95. I totally agree with the booklet idea and how to put stuff together. Sometimes it's hard to see and figure things out from the pictures.

  96. I would like to see more realistic images like the Pet Shop and Wildlife. I have alot of the whimsical looking cartridges. Also bigger images on the handbooks would help, too!
    vjmjlove4 at sbcglobal dot net

  97. I would love to see more fixes for the Imagine. I still have lots of trouble aligning images and cuts. (even with lots of attempts to calibrate). The mats are also a big problem. Hopefully the glue will keep getting better but they still need to work on it! I know you can't make everyone happy all the time, but I do hope they will address issues more openly instead of retreating. Thanks for being our voice and for the chance to win!!!!!!

  98. I like having images with a number of layers. I would love to see some Disney Parks carts. rlovew1976 at

  99. I would like to be able to use my own SVG files on my Cricut.

    amyis300 AT hotmail DOT com

  100. How awesome that provo craft gave you goodies to give away. Good luck everyone :)

  101. improvements I think I would want to have made on Cricut items (machines, Cartridges) better or help you use what you already own?
    To start with quick book guide.

    How can they help us Cricut users?
    Step by step help especially in the weekends and nights.

    What type/theme cartridges would you like to see? I had suggested bear one. All just 3D things, which I think they just came out with. But more! lol

    What can they do to help YOU????? Lowering the prices down on cartridges. I buy toooo many, lol

    What can they do better, as far as products go? Make them for everyone and not groups or special groups.

    Anything else they should know??? Yes, do they always have to have the same people try out the new products? Some people do the same thing over and their own style over and over. I would like NEW people showing off their products. Out with the old and in with the new. Maybe even have terms of how long they can help. Change is good.

  102. I'd like the handbooks to be changed. Some are hard to see how to see how it all comes together, and others include such little pieces that it's impossible to see how they should go.

    I like that the different direct sales companies have exclusive cartridges, the new one for CTMH is amazing!

    My 5 1/2 year old says they should have an Angry Bird cartridge. I'd agree with him, maybe as a project/event cartridge as a party theme. I know it's a theme we're using in December, and probably over and over again just because.

    The Gypsy to CCR link really needs to be done. It makes no sense that we can link from CCR and it transfers to our Gypsy's but we can't link with our Gypsy and have it show up in CCR. CCR also needs to have a downloadable version that doesn't require you to be connected to the internet. Not everyone can have internet all the time.

    Being able to use our reward points for CCR would be awesome, we'd get them right away and they wouldn't have to ship anything.

    That's all that I can think of right now.

    Brittany K.

  103. I love my cricut and my imagine.. I have to say with all the trouble I had with my imagine provocraft was absolutely wonderful. I would love for them to work on the machine and the cricut craft room and make them right rather than trying to come up with new things... I would love the gypsy to link to CCR.. but Also I would love CCR to work the way it is supposed to...

  104. i think they should have a grandparent cartridge....

  105. I would love for the mats to be sticky longer. They say not to put any glue on them, but, I'm not going to buy mats every time they lose they're sticklyness. I would like better instructions for the Lite carts. That's all.

  106. I echo everything that has been said. Bigger booklets, able to use our pc monitors or tablets to view the gypsy. I like that is so portable, just would love to see it a bit bigger. Would love to be able to use some of the features on the Gypsy, like auto fill or fill page.
    Thanks for listening!

  107. There are a lot of crafters that are really getting into putting face stamps on their die cuts. It would be nice for new cartridges to have the option to cut with or wothout a face. That way people don't have to remove the face on a gypsy or ccr. I would like some more kid friendly cartridges with toddlers playing. Something that focuses on the fun of toddler development.

  108. I would absolutely love it if they could link the carts on our G to the CCR. I love both products, but lately when I transfer a CCR file to my G the file is corrupted so I may have well only worked with my G. Please PC fix this, I want to use CCR to it's fullest. Thanks Erica!

  109. ipad app would be great. I like the new digital carts but you don't get many images for the prices. I do love that they have projects right below cart on Cricut blog. I love, love, love videos and tutorials so they could make more of those.
    Anything that is more user friendly. No one wants to be frustrated when crafting. I love your idea of color in the books. Makes it so much easier to piece together images.
    Thanks for compiling list and communicating with PC

  110. I have a few suggestions for Provo Craft.... 1. Please bring some of your most popular carts out of retirement! I would love to have both the Hello Kitty carts, the original TBBM, Paper Pups, etc but cannot afford the prices that people offer them for on eBay. I prefer an actual cartridge instead of a digital cart. 2. The booklets do need some improvement to make understanding how the layers go together easier, especially for very detailed images. 3. Please offer more variety of items in your rewards section. I have a large sum of points, but nothing to buy with them because I own most all of the carts offered, and the ones I don't own I am not interested in them. Perhaps offer so many dollars worth of credit toward products on for the points redemption?
    Thanks for sending this to PC!
    melissa92102 at gmail dot com

  111. Right now, I would love to hear they are keeping the Imagine and not discontinuing it. Also to be able to move the images on the E2 just like the Gypsy is and yes KEEP the Gypsy!!!!

  112. I'm new to Cricut so I'm like to see cartridges be a little more affordable. I've noticed they have some bundles online, but I'd like to see them available in digital format too.

    They NEED to fix cricut craft room! I love using it but it crashes all the time.

  113. I love my imagine and would love for them to come out with more pattern cartridges. I would love to see a stripes and polka dots one in pretty colors...a gingham one. It would give us more opportunity to print a wider variety of papers. I would love to win this cartridge!!!

    Theresa Burns

  114. We need to be able to utilize the extra buttons already on the machines please. Overall they are producing grat content and seem to listen well and do a great job. I for one, love PC!

  115. I would like to see that their cartridges are always available. Like I have been looking for hello kitty cartridge and cannot find it except on eBay for a lot more than I can pay. I am disabled and bought my cricut before I got disabled so it is very hard for me to buy carts that are so so expensive. There has got to be a solution to this. Thanking you in advance, Carol

  116. I love my Cricut machine and all it does. . .I just wish the original cricut machine that I own need to make bigger sizes. I need the expression. Wish more of the same styles of letters and symbols could be on the same cartridge. That's the only thing I'd change. I also have to agree with Chuck about being available. . .I'm also disabled so it's hard to find them at a reasonable price to meet what I need it for. :)


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