Monday, March 12, 2012

How did you get into Cricut?

Share how you got into "Cricut" to win the 
Cricut Circle Exclusive cartridge Sophie

How great would it be to share how each of us got 'into' our Cricuts?

Cricut Circle Exclusive cartridge Sophie....

Please don't be intimidated about the Inlinkz.
 All you have to do is enter your name, weblink and email...

Here is what you have to do.....

1. Post on your blog how you got into Cricut.

2. Explain what you are doing with a link to this posting.

3. Then link it here with the full link (not just your blog address, click on the title of that post to get the extended weblink) 

4. Make sure you are a follower here and you can also be "Networked Blog" follower

5. Enter your email on the top right of my blog to get daily emails of our posts and projects.

Also enter this full link to this posting for your friends to link up from your blog. 


  1. This was fun, I linked up and am a follower and follow on Pinterest and netwok blog and email:)

  2. I am a follower, but I don't have a blog. I'm not sure of the best way to go about it. I bought my Cricut Expression three years ago after watching all the infomercials, watching my daughter-in-law use hers and finally a big bundle on HSN sold me.

  3. I am a follower, but I do not have a blog... yet! The more I look at the fun blogs in your posts, the more I think I should have one! I love my Cricut. I watched the infomercial again and again, but couldn't make the jump to actually order it. Finally, my husband stepped in and bought me one for Christmas 2 years ago! It was such a surprise! I love using it and he thinks it is great that I still love it 2 years later!

  4. I too am a follower but do not have a blog. A couple of years ago I swore I was never gonna get into scrapbooking as I had enough hobbies already. Then I went to a garage sale and found a Cricut Expression for a steal. Well, what could I do, I had to buy was such a deal. I took it home and played with it and the 2 cartridges that came with it. I was hooked. So, of course, I had to buy many more cartridges. Now I scrapbook, make cards, gifts and home decor items with my Cricut and I love it. Some of my other hobbies have gone by the wayside to make time/room for my Cricut addiction/hobby ~ Cindy

    1. Oops! I forgot to add my email address, it is

  5. This is such a wonderful idea!! I had so much fun writing my Cricut story. I have actually been wanting to blog about it for a while so I could have that memory written down. Thank you for this opportunity! I love following your blog and hope to participate in some of your challenges soon. Have a great day!

  6. Erica, Thanks for another chance to win Sophie! I am already following via Networked blogs, and just added the email subscription. By the way, my project in the post I linked is made with the Imagine, CCR and ribbon. Hope you like it.

  7. That was fun, This is fun being part of your group, I love this.

  8. I agree with the previous comments....I just might have to start a blog. Anyway, I was tired of making titles for my scrapbook pages with my Sizzix machine. My husband overheard a conversation with my scrapping buddy about the pros and cons for investing in this machine that cuts out your letters for you....and die cuts...a Cricut! A month later, he surprised me with a Cricut for Christmas. Four years later, he surprised me with an E2 this past Christmas. He is such a catch :)

  9. Great contest Erica. Thank you so much for the chance to win!

  10. WEEEEEE. Happy B'day. Thx u 4 the chance 2 win and b'n apart of what ever u got go'n on. Enjoy ur day.

  11. I have had my cricut so long that I don't remember how I got into cricuting
    lol. I know that my now 82 yr old mother buys me the cartridges so she can get the images she wants. She loves it also. My granddaughters love it and make things along with me from the cut outs of the cartridges. Including the negatives. Everytime cricut comes out with a new cartridge. I find I just have to have it. I am so OCD that I can't get enough. lol soooo I must say Happy BDay! and Thanks hugs from linda in tx (giftshoppe2)

  12. I did set up a blog because I was inspired to by watching Erica and all of those linked to her blog page, but don't have anything there (except the test note to myself - this was easy) cause I dont really know how to upload, post, etc. YET. Guess I can be found at:
    My hubby bought me my Cricut (after I didn't think I needed one) because my best friend had one. Now, I'm on my second one - Expression, and I LOVE MY CRICUT! Erica pushes me to try new things and really USE my machine for all of my crafting.

  13. Finally got it linked up!!!

    thanks Erica!

    Jessica @

  14. I am a networked blogs and google follower :) and linked back here from my blog :) Steps followed and i even subscribed to email.

  15. As soon as it came out, & I saw it at my local store, I bought it on the spot! It is my favorite tool & will probably always be!

  16. I tried to link my post but it isn't working here is the link:
    Love my cricut and would love a chance to win! Thanks!! Christina

  17. I decided on the cricut when I wanted to get vinyl words for my wall and figured it would be cheaper and I could make what ever I wanted to if I bought the Cricut. 2 years later 40+carts and I still haven't even cut vinyl. But, a whole new world opened up to me, crafting. I am utterly unimagainative and enjoy looking at others and am in awe of how they make such amazing things.

  18. I do have a blog. But tha tis as savvy as I get. My Hubby is my IT guy. I had my cricut for two years before I actually knew how to use it. I bought it while I worked in a charter school. Because for the first time in my career I had been asked to dress a school bulletin board. Actually it was two boards. They needed to be changed every month. I never used it for that. ( cshameful and crazy) I know. Fast forward two years I get laid off. My aughter has a project for school. She tells me the day before of course. Long story short. It was all over after that. I was hooked. Now I tell everybody. Once you touch that CRICUT will never be the same!!! NEVER!!! ( in a great way)

  19. Oh by the way my blog is I think


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