Friday, January 13, 2012

Scrapbook Friday Janaury 13, 2012 -Scrapbook Sketch or Friday the 13th

Today the Team had the option to use the sketch or create a Friday the 13th item....
here are all of the projects!
But first- I missed Tonya's project last week for the Disney theme, I am very sorry, here it is for you to see...

Tonya used Mickey and Friends to make this layout. You can find all the details on her blog.

 Enjoli created this layout using chic & scary. Please follow her her blog at


Amber made a cute layout using Create a Critter and Happy Hauntings. Please visit her blog to see the entire project

Cori used Mini Monsters and Storks Delivery to make this Halloween Scrapbook layout. Please visit her blog at  to view the full project.

Janet used the Chic and Scary Cartridge to make this cute layout. Check out her blog at  to see more.

Jenn Lorist used Mini Monsters Cricut cartridges to make this layout. Please visit her blog to see this entire project at

Laurie made this scrapbook layout using Happy Hauntings and Accent Essentials.
Please visit her blog to see the finished project.

Here is the sketch challenge that they could do....

This sketch came from Scrapbook page Maps 2, by Becky Fleck.
This was the sketch for this challenge
Would you like to be a part of our Scrapbook sketch challenges?
We have a site for you to go to use this sketch and win a $10 gift certificate to my webstore! Which will have a full range of products on January 24th.
Here is the link to see the details and how to enter your scrapbook page...

Sabrina Marie has created this layout page with Once Upon a Princess & Wall Decor and more.

Pattie did the sketch challenge.. and used the Art Philosophy Cartridge..  Check out the end result at

Tracy used Ribbons and Rosettes, Plantin Schoolbook and Paper Pups for this layout. Please visit her blog at  for more details.

Samantha has used Better Together Imagine cartridge in her sketch challenge layout. To see how she made her page, please visit her blog at

 Marji used Hello kitty Greetings to make this scrapbook page, please visit her blog to see the details.

Here is Shelly's take on the sketch challenge for Valentine's Day.  To see the full project please visit her blog at


Tonya used Mickey Font and Pooh and Friends to complete her layout. You can see all the details on her blog

Also the winners from the past few contests.....

The winner of one of the Cricut Everyday cartridges, made this layout..... To claim your prize please email me  with the subject winner. I will then email you back
with the link to pay your postage of $5!

Last weekend's blog hop winner of the Valentine's set including the Victorian Romance Cricut cartridge left this comment.....

This was on Tracy's blog. Scrappin in the woods....
"Texas-Scrapper said...  Very pretty layout."
To claim your prize please email me with the subject winner. I will then email you back with the link to pay your postage of $5!


  1. Loved the projects. Everyone did a great job!


  2. Congrats to the winner! I was so excited that the winner was picked from the comments on my blog!! Yay!

  3. Great work everyone! Loving scrapbook Fridays!

  4. all these beautiful layouts makes me want to start scrapbooking... Love them all, great job!

  5. congrat's ladies!! awesome! DT Doris


We would love to hear what you have to say about these projects and it encourages all of us to keep sharing with you. Let us know you are out there and that you looked at this today.