Thursday, July 28, 2011

Theme Day Thursday July 28, 2011

Today my Design Team has choosen the theme of PETS today!

Here is what they have made to share with you.
If you would like my daily posts delivered stright to your email please
enter your email on the column to the right, below the girl.

Ricki, Pat and Connie have made wonderful creations today..... AS ALWAYS!!!!

Ricki Used 3 Cricut cartridge to make this...
Country Life, Gypsy Font, and Story Book Cricut Cartridges.
I love the colors she used and the texture on the sheep, it actually looks like the curls on a real sheep!
To get all of the details and how Ricki made this....
PLEASE visit her blog to see this and everything else that she does! This card makes me miss HER!
I see a Columbus/Cincinnati road trip in my NEAR future! See you soon!

I had the honor to meet Ricki in person AND she just won a Cricut Imagine last week when we were together at the Cricut Circle Event, thanks to Kat for helping
Ricki get a card in the box with her name on it!!!!
So Ricki and Kat is there shared custody of the Imagine machine!?!?!?
The list of reasons why I think the Cricut Circle is SO AMAZING just keeps growing and growing!
We also were able to purchase the NEW Cricut Toys!!!! Scroll down to Monday's post to see those, you can buy them soon at I will be sure to let you know when you can purchase those!

Not on to Pat, Whom I met at my first Cricut Circle event! What a Gem she is! So nice and LOVES the Nifty Fifties Cricut Cartridge.... I am missing that she didn't use it in this project.... But I have a feeling next week on her card she just might use it ;)
Pat used Everyday Paper Doll, Paper Doll Dressup and Lyrical Letters

So cute! Oh I meant the Dog, but they layout is cute too! You all know I am kidding!
I love the papers she used and the CUTE dog (both of them, the real one and the Cricut one!) !!!
I have to say Pat is one of the nicest people I have met, I also feel lucky enough to call her a friend, a very talented one at that!
Please make sure you go to her blog to see how she made this and what great things she has made with her Favorite Nifty Fifies Cricut Cartridge!

Last but NOT least on to Connie, I have not yet met her, but I do hope to!
What a creative and unique way to show off her pet!
Who would have thought of flowers on a pet layout! This is why I love my Design team SO MUCH!

I see the name Bella on the picture, What a beautiful name, for almsot 4 years now, that has been my favorite name in the WORLD!!! You have great tastes in names!
Please visit Connie's blog to see how talented she is!

Design Team Call!
Please apply BEFORE July 30, 2011 at midnight EST,
no late entries can be accepted, so sorry. 
But you have alot of time between then and now!
I will announce the entire team,
including new team members on August 1st, 2011
I am looking for a few NEW people to add to my design team.
I am looking for two types of people:
     1. People with great creative skills that will really push us outside of our crafty comfort zone.
     2. Beginners, with potential & help others will feel like they can make what you have created.From them I am looking for 2-4 postings a month (you can do more if you would like)
If you do not have a blog that is OK, If you make the team we will help you create one!
You will get some goodies from me 2x during your term. So every quarter throughout the year.
The term is form now unitl January 15th, 2012
There are two terms a year.

You have to participate in the monthly 100 Cricut Cartridge Blog hop the first weekend of the month.
If you dont know what any of these things are, myself and my design team will HELP you with all of it. I just started blogging ONLY a few months ago. I have about 5 people who have created blogs since they have joined the team. The team is so helpful to answer questions and everything!
You do NOT have to be experienced to apply. I am looking for 3 beginners. My site is all about beginner learning to use their Cricut Machines, so I NEED beginners to help and encourage other beginners.
I have a very diverse team. So everyday when someone comes to the blog they feel like there is at least one project that they feel like they could make. We want everyone to feel welcome and encouraged around here.

If you would like to apply please email me please add
1. Your favorite Project you have ever made with the Cricut,
2. If you have a blog address please include it, if not just let me know you do not have a blog (this is ok)
3. Let me know if you are on any design team
4. Let me know if any what blog you like to follow and why
5. Dont forget your name :)
6. Put how often you think you would like to make something to share
7. Pick out of these categories which ones would interest you the most (you can pick one, more than one, or all, or if one sounds interesting to you, but you would like to know more about it)

My IMAGINE-ation! Mondays! Cricut Imagine or E2 made with Imagine cartirdges
Card Creating Tuesdays, Just as it sounds, cards invitations…etc
Would you guess… Wednesdays- On this day, we use ONLY the features on the cartridges. What this means is when you look at the handbook, you cannot use the main image on the left side of the page. But you can use ALL of the other features or layers. Also you can use a CAKE cartridge to make a Paper creation.
Theme Day Thursdays, you pick the theme based on a cartridge….
Baby, Birthday Wedding, girls, boys, friends anything you can think of…….
Festive Fridays…. Christmas all year
J You may also do another Festive Holiday, but Christmas is my favorite and many other people
Scrapbook Saturdays…. Scrapbook layouts ….  (on the weekends when we do not have a blog hop)Card Creating Sundays, We make cards to share (on the weekends when we do not have a blog hop)

If you do not understand one of these, just put that on your submission and I will try to answer it for you.

Best of Luck to all who apply!

Project Sunshine and Smiles
       We are all working on the Project Sunshine and Smiles for St. Jude's Children Hospital. We are colleciting 5,000 cards for the kids there. I have created this project "Sunshine and Smiles" and basically I am goign to the hosptial to deliver the cards, but I am going to bring as much sunshine into that hospital as I can. I hope to see a ton of smiles from the kids getting these cards. If I dont see a smiel from the cards, then I will do everything that I can to put a smile on that child's face.
      I am also trying to get John Rich a country music STAR, to join me on this project, and he just might bring a few of his celebrety friends to help! I will be collecting cards from now until the end of August. You can mail them to:
Erica's Craft Room
4364 LaBurnum Drive
Akron, Ohio 44319
If you have any questions about this please email me and put Sunshine and Smiles as the subject of the email.
     Here are a few more details about the project. You can make any type of card, using and crafting technique that you know, please write a simple message in the card to a child. Please do not remind the child of their illness, most are fighting childhood cancer. You may say get well soon, but DONT say, "I know how you feel and it is not fun...." please DONT say anything like that. But you can say "Get Well Soon" "I hope this puts a smiel on your face".... you get the idea.... you dont need to ask if soemthing is ok to write in it, as long as you do not remind the child of their illness, it is ok.
Frequently asked questions....

Can a child make a card for them?
Does it have to be a certain size?
Any size!
Do I have to add envelope?
Nope, I am going to have these in a large (Clean) red wagon for the kids to pick thier own card
Can I put them in envelopes?
Do I have to use the Cricut to make these??
No, this is the ONLY project that you do not HAVE to use the cricut, but wouldn't it be great if you did :)
Can I make a birthday card?
Sure but I will leave those with the volenteers for the future to give to kids who are there for their birthday
Do I need to have a kids cartridge to do this?
No, you can use anything and make anything, even a card full of flowers. I am sure there will be one child who will love flowers, or bear, cars.... the sky is the limit!

      I do hope i have answered all of your questions if not, please email me and I will send it back to you and add it to the post here so others will see the question and answer.

In the meantime I am doing a contest for this....
Each week post your cards on my facebook Cricut Craft Room
Each week i will put all of the name in a bowl and pick a winner. Every card that you submit get you ONE entry into the bowl...
Each week out of those who posted cards, I will pick one and give away the Cricut Circle Exclusive cartridge Cricut Everyday, the only with all of the cute Cricut Images on it! I love this one!
I have 4 of these cartridges to give away, one each week.
At the end of the 4 weeks, who ever submitted the MOST carts will win the NEW Cricut cartridge that will be released this Thursday from Cricut, I cannot tell you the name only that S.S. are the initials for it.
If you have already mailed cards to me, they will be added to the total of cards you are submitting. I do not have to have these cards in my hand this week. BUT you have to post the picture on my facebook for it to count. If you have a card decorating party with your friends or social group.... You can count all of those cards from you , as long as your friends will let you :)

Blog Hop calendar for 2011ANYONE can sign up for ANY bog hop. (Except for December 10-11, these are special surprises my design team has for you)
All other blog hops are open to ANYONE!

For ALL of the blog hops these should be BRAND NEW projects, not posted anywhere else or entered into a contest before. This must be new and created specifically for this event. Please do not let anyone see this before the event, it ruins the fun of the blog hop! I will also have a graphic for each blog hop for you to post :)

The first weekend of every month is the
100+ Cricut Cartridge blog hop.   

 So there is NO limit to how many people can participate in this one. As soon as I have people sign up for 100 cartridges the event is then closed to new people, but I can always put you on the top of the list for the following month 100 cartridge blog hop. These 100 cartridges must be 100 DIFFERENT cartridges. So no one can sign up for one that has already been signed up for (but if you want to use more than you signed up for, that is ok)

So if you would like to sign up for a blog hop, please email me if you would like to participate in one. VERY important, in the SUBJECT of the email please put the DATE of the hop you want.

Please send ONE email PER blog hop.
I might not see it if you comment on here to sign up, PLEASE email request. I have a system to sort these, so having the right subject for ANY email is always so important.
Also please include your:
Blog address
Theme of the Blog Hop you want to do.
Date of the hop

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE send ONE email per blog hop date. I sort them into email folders and if I file you in one date, i will miss you on all of the others. Thank you for doing this!

Tomorrow is Festive Friday AND Our Christmas in July Blog Hop!

August 6-7 100 Cricut Cartridge Blog Hop
August 20-21 Card and Invitation Hop
September 3-4 100 Cricut Cartridge Blog Hop
September 17-18 Boys and Men Blog Hop
October 1-2 100 Cricut Cartridge Blog Hop
October 15-16 Fall Favorites Blog hop
November 5-6 100 Cricut Cartridge Blog Hop
November 19-20 Recipe/baking blog hop
December 3-4 100 Cricut Cartridge Blog Hop
December 10-11 Princess Bella’s Birthday Blog Hop DESIGN TEAM ONLY
December 31-Jan 1 100 Cricut Cartridge Blog Hop
January 14-15 Winter/Snow Blog Hop

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Erica, I would love to meet you someday too but in the meantime I consider you a wonderful friend that has inspired me more than you will ever know!


We would love to hear what you have to say about these projects and it encourages all of us to keep sharing with you. Let us know you are out there and that you looked at this today.