Friday, June 10, 2011

Update for prize winners

Here should be the last of the unshipped prizes. I would love to get this out to you as soon as possible.
Everyone who has paid their shipping I send a facebook message with your tracking number.  If you have NOT received a facebook message about your prizes, you will be on the list below.  The list should be close to alphabet order by first name or Ustream username.
Please realize I am a one person operation so I do the emails, sorting, and packing… and my 3 year old helps sometimes, like last night I found a Panda in Autumn’s box that Bella wanted someone to have J I am not a company (YET) so this is pretty informal operation.  There are mistakes I am sure. Human error, so if you did not get something you won, I want you to get it, so just send me a NICE email saying that you thought you won “………..” But do not see it in your box. I will do a little research with the packing slips I have here and get back to you.  It might take up to a week to respond. I get about 1,000+ emails a DAY, seriously! So I do read them every day, but sometimes I do not respond right away.
I ship in clusters or groups. So I process shipping all at once, pack them up and send them out, then several more days (up to a week) before I process shipping again.
This is my NEW disclaimer for prizes. They can take up to 4-6 weeks for shipping. Remember these are FREE prizes, you just pay the shipping J I am one person to do all of the Ustreams, facebook postings and correspondence, emails, facebook message, creating Cricut Craft Room files, organizing blog hops, design team stuff, the Operation Write Home Project, now St; Jude’s Sunshine and Smile cards……etc. OHHHHH and I work about 13 hour days with almost an hour commute each way (on the days where I go to Bee Scrappy), I have a family and a 3 Year old…. And some health issues. Did I mention I like to make craft stuff too?  I LOVE to give stuff away, but again I am only ONE person and this is so much that has snowballed in 3 months. I thought I wouldn’t even have 50 facebook friends now.  Please be understanding and patient, I am so excited about all of my NEW friends and I want to make sure that no one is forgotten or looked over. I would love to give everyone a prize, but sometimes I can’t. I am going to do two prize sessions a month so prizes and shipping is a little bit easier. I will also do one contest on my facebook page a week for an additional chance at a prize. I am not big enough to use to pick my prize winners, I do not even know how it works, and I think that would take a lot more time to figure that out too. I usually pick letters or numbers or something fun like that. I think I might always do it that way. I always write it down or announce it earlier in the week what process I might use. That way it is documented SOMEWHERE and everyone can see that there are no favorites or cheating J I do feel bad for my local in person friends, I sometimes pass them over for a prize because I do not want anything to think they won because they are my friend. I usually give them the same prize too, if I can. The other day Erin (From bee Scrappy) wanted to win the Cricut Birthday magazine, I told her she can’t win it, but when I see her I will give her one too J So I hope this all makes sense and gives you a little insight on to the Who, What, When, Where, Why and How’s of MY Cricut Craft Room.
Here is my shipping process, I confirm that your prizes are correct, I receive the shipping payment, and then I print the label…. THEN all at once I get all of the boxes together take the list with your prizes on it go from stack to stack of prizes pull out everything that goes in one box, close it and stick the label to it. I then have the stack there until I place a pick-up from USPS or UPS. That day I wait for them to come and I had them the packages, I do not set these outside as they are too expensive to risk someone taking them before 2:00 which is about when they get picked up. SOMETIMES USPS scans them when they pick up and sometimes they do not scan them until they leave my post office. So say best case scenario, you pay before Sunday morning. I print labels that night (and packing lists) then on Monday I put them together, then Tuesday around 2:00 they are picked up, I like to use priority mail so you have tracking and I have delivery confirmation…. USUALLY by Saturday you should have your package.  I usually do print labels on Sunday. So that is about the timeline for prizes.
Michelle, terry, autumn, Amanda and Autumn, you are getting a second package; you won too much to fit in one.  If you would like (but do not have to) pay the extra shipping they will go out on Tuesday, but if you don’t/can’t pay it, it will just a take a little longer to go out.
If you would like to pay your shipping and have it mailed on this Tuesday June 14th, 2011 your shipping cost is next to your name. If you cannot afford it, please email me and you will be added to the list. I have a list here of those who cannot pay it. I have 12 people on this list now. I spend about $20 a week of my personal money for shipping, so right now the last person on the list is about 4 weeks away from the shipping process. I am sorry about this, my mom was diagnosed with cancer last month and my extra money is going to her moving fund that I started. So this is why I can no longer pay all of the shipping. I do hope you all understand.  You are also welcome to pass on your prizes and then I can offer them to others to win in the future.
If you would like to pay your shipping and have it sent this week. Please send a PayPal payment, but do NOT send it as personal, please send it as goods or services. This way your address with be in there and it automatically goes into Auto-ship when I sign in. If you send it as personal I do not see your address and it does not go into my shipping queue. Some people were very nice and sent it as personal (so I didn’t have to pay the fee to accept the money) but this fee that PayPal charges me to receive money is already factored into the shipping price, as is tracking and delivery confirmation J My PayPal email address is or They are all attached to the same PayPal account, just in case people have my other emails they are all on the same account.
If you won a prize and you see your name here, please email me to confirm that you say this and if you can pay you’re shipping, or if I made a mistake….etc if your name is not on here or your prizes are not correct please email me thanks!
Alyson cerchia
WV- Cricut Pin ($6)
I am sure you won prizes, I don’t have an email  listing your prizes
Alishia Gaff ($19)

Misc. clear stamps
Princess stamps
Spring magazine
small loot bag (sweet and sassy layout winner)
Martha Stewart glitter glue pack (large pack)
Martha Stewart clear stamps
one set of inks and stamps
small loot bag
Imagine ink color cartridge
terrifically tacky tape
small Martha Stewart acrylic block
set of stamps, inks, and sparkly things (Disney winner-card)
Cricut plushie
clear stamp set
Martha Stewart clear stamp set
Graduation seasonal cartridge
Cute calendar stamp set
set of glitter and flock,
Blk Brwo Cricut markers

-Aman ($16.00 for USA shipping)

Angela Urell ($2, need address please)

gel pen
Annabelle Malvar Rambaud ($2, need address please)

Interactive cards
Martha Stw glitter
20 medium tags
Angie Boswell ($6, need address please

Cuttlebug bday bash folders
Amanda Hernandez  ($6.00)

1 cricut marker
1tube glitter
1 glitter gel pen
1 adhesive
Amanda Murry Wood ($3, need address please)
175 Card Idea Book
Angel Vaccarella ($6)

Set of Clear Stamps
Annabelle Rambaud ($6)

Ashley Grey
($2, need address please)

Martha Stewart Glitters
($2, need address please)

Zig Glue
Clear stamps
($2, need address please)
Cricut markers.
Becky Stonebraker ($6)
Gel Pen
Bobbie Jo Hickman
($2, need address please)
Tombo Glue pen
($2, need address please)
($2, need address please)
Rainy days cards set
($2, need address please)
Cassandra Harmon
($2, need address please)
Cathie snyder-wyatt
($2, need address please)
????????Christel Bonner

Christy Martinez ($2, need address please)
Floral flourish cart
Branch cuttlebug folder
Martha stewart block
Deep cut blade
Glitter glue
Glitter gel pens
Mini prize
Dog paw brads
1 cricut marker

Courtney Larson ($18 to Canada)

I won the wooden alphabet stamp setI won the cricut set of pens 
Carol Ellis ($6.00)

Cricut Pin LA ($6)
Darlene Saucier- Do you still want this?

PA Cricut Pin ($6)
Donna J Metz  Do you still want this?
Mississippi Cricut Pin($6)
Cricut tool kit
Enjoli Collums ($6 for pin and $4 for shipping)

Purchased- new arrival, CARS (PAID)
Gail Shrader (PAID) THIS WILL SHIP ON TUESDAY June 14th, sorry for the delay)
Publication magazine
Gloria Contreras($6)

4 stamp set
award little loot bag
Lucinda Gibson ($12)

Misc clear stamps,
april cards mag,
cricut markers
Coffee stampsJamie Lindstrom ($6)

Fiskar stamps
Jenifer Holton ($6)
Gel pen
1 cricut marker
Jennifer Anderson ($2, need address please)

Recollections princess stamps
Jennifer Lundy ($6)
Gel pen
glitter gel pen
Jen Roseman
($2, need address please)
Jen Vitek
($2, need address please)
Jessica Skibicki
($2, need address please)

NY Cricut Pin ($6)
Jessica Wheeler – Do you still want this?

Glitter gel pen
Kimberlin Andrews ($2, need address please)
Kimberly Kendle ($2, need address please)
misc clear stamps,
Kelli Brief ($6)

Cricut markersKimberly Miller ($6)

Kitty Bryan Matter
($2, need address please)
Spring magazinekris Stice ($3)

Washington State Cricut Pin ($6)
Krissy Wells Did you still want this?

fiskars basic font alphabet
Laura Smith Godere ($6)

1lb box of bling
gel pen
1 cricut marker
Laurie Pionk Mince ($12, please remind me what you won last night?, I cannot fit all of it in the flat rate envelope, SORRY)

1 cricut marker
tube of glitter
glitter gel pen
Lauren Rolph ($2, need address please)
Girls nite stamps sets
Lediisco?, Mayra’s Daughter, I will add this to your next box

glitter gel pen
Cricut marker
Lillian Lincoln-Gonu ($2, need address please)

 tim holtz sizzlits decorative filmstrip,
RIP cuttlebug combo
deep cut blade and housing 
Lisa Rhodes ($12)

set of Copics! (colors?)
Lisa Orensky ($6)
Lolin Delgado Hamsher ($2, need address please)
Award x3 ????
Lynn Giordano ($12)

Fiskars stamps
Janeen Nuttle ($6)

Cricut markers
cricut magazine type

 Kim Miller ($6)

Sandylion clockstamps
sophisticated cricut markers
Majelica ???? ($6, need address please)
flower buttons
($2, need address please)
Melissa Alley
($2, need address please)
 bag of goodies,
and a crafty magazine? In our last email what did we decide on for that prize? Or is what I have typed correct?
Nikki Jones  ($6)

Patty Frye 

Xyron X sticker maker
mini albums book
Pikappx2 ($6, need address and name please)
Cartridge, Which cartridge? Did we pick one or did I just say cartridge
Small loot bag  
Raman Sandhar ($6)
cricut markers
 Fiskars Laugh with me stamps. 
Rebecca Atchison ($6)

Cricut Magazine issue 1&2
Rebecca Bassett ($6)
tube of glitter
Rick Kimray
($2, need address please)

Gold metallic cards
($2, need address and please)

Gel pen
Cricut marker
Tube of glitter
Rosa Kleyman ($2, need address please)

glitter gelpen
cricut tool kit
Scrappie EMT
($6, need name and address please)

“mini surprise" x2 , little loot bag
Is this all you won, It seems like it should have been more?
Serafina Andolina ($12) It will not fir into a flat rate envelope, but I have a habit of filling the box with goodie for ‘packing’ material, instead of wasting bubble wrap, I use craft goodies as padding

glitter gelpen
Susan E Bermudez
($2, need address please)

1 cricut marker
Stacy Needer ($6)
 tube of glitter
pink scallop cards
Tammie Kimray
($2, need address please)
Cricut Make your own stamp set
Teresa OBrien, ($6)
Tiffany Knouff (($2, need address please)
1 cricut marker
Toni Hefner Hansil
($2, need address please)

RIP Cuttlebug Combo,                                                                                          
scrapbook trends or cards
Tracy Martin ($6)

Victoria Jensen Sullivan
($2, need address please)


  1. Thanks Erica! Can't wait to get the carts and start scrapping!!!
    Gayle Shrader

  2. Erica...Is this the blog that has the contests..or are they on your page or where are these people winning prizes from.. I am confused... :(.


We would love to hear what you have to say about these projects and it encourages all of us to keep sharing with you. Let us know you are out there and that you looked at this today.