Monday, June 27, 2011

Extended deadling for Project Sunshine and Smiles for St. Jude's

Project Sunshine and Smiles for St. Jude's

Deadline EXTENDED until the end of AUGUST!

So for the Summer, I would like all of us and ALL of our crafty friends to make 5,000 cards for St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital. Last month we works on cards for Operation Write Home for our soldiers to write in and send home to their friends and family. I had a goal of 1,000 and received over 2,200 cards! So this month I need all of the help I can get.
   They would like cards that do not remind the children of their illness, but to tell them to "Hope they feel better soon" Also these cards need to contain ALL of the sunshine you can pack into them. I am going to call this my SUNSHINE and SMILES project. I have a goal of getting John Rich, in the Country Music world, to just acknowledge what we are doing here. I am still waiting to hear back from his staff. Hey a girl can have dreams right! I know these kids do. My husband and I support the Smile Train and Make a wish foundation.
   I have decided to make St. Jude's Children's Research hospital our project this month. Two weeks ago my mom was diagnosed with cancer. It really brought cancer back into the forefront of my life.
   I also watched this season of Celebrity Apprentice. John Rich made a great campaign for St. Jude's. So I would love your help with this project. These cards can be 10 of the same card, or different. Please limit duplicates to 10, it will make my personal delivery easier, Thanks in advance.
    My daughter and I will personally be delivering these cards to the kids at the hospital. I cannot wait to deliver a car full of sunshine! I hope you can use the next few weeks to make AS MANY cards as you can and to get the word out there about this project. Please do everything that you can to help make 5,000 cards.
   I have a high goal, but you can't go very far with your feet on the ground! So help me reach for the stars to help bring a smile to the faces of SO many children! I am beyond excited about this project. You are welcome to sign the card, even put your address in it if you would like the children to be able to write to you. Please get these IN THE MAIL to me By August 25, 2011 if you live in the US, if you live outside of the USA, please try to mail them by August 20, 2011. That is ALOT of time. Please don't wait until the last minute, work on some each week or day and think about all of the smiles that each of your cards will make! If you can only make one.... that is GREAT, everyone single counts, and will bring at least one smile! Thank you!

    The only guidelines are please do not remind the children of their illlness, just general Hope you feel better, hope you have a wonderful day, thinking of you.... etc. Try to stay away from birthday or specific greetings, they will be a little difficult for me to deliver (but I can always leave them at the volenteer station and have them use them for birthdays.) Remember these kiddos might not make it outside much, so pack all of the sunshine you can into that card. Any size, boy or girl, 3-d or flat, any age from baby to teenager etc....the sky is the limit, Literally! Please see one of the cards that I have made at...

Thank you in advance. I will be showing these on Ustream on September 2nd!
Happy Sunshine and Smiles!

Mailing address
Erica's Craft Room
4364 Laburnum Drive
Akron, Ohio 44319
if you have any questions! Please put Sunshine and Smiles as the subject. THANKS!


  1. Glad to hear you extended the deadline. I had only gotten five done because I have been dealing with health issues. Now I can make more of the cards I had planned in my gypsy.

  2. I am so glad that you extended it as I will have my new "E" by then...and be home from my vacation. Thank you again Erica!! ♥ to all of the children!!!

  3. I will be doing a Catholic Moms Meetup Group event for this, I am so excited!

  4. Yay Jennifer!! We will be attending your playdate to make some super sunshiny cards with you & the kiddos!! Woo hoo!

  5. Would u ladies like me to host it?

  6. Thats my birthday when you want to do the ustream :) I will be making more cards too. :)Cant wait to see them

  7. That is great because I only finished 3 cards and I like your idea of 10 of the same cards. I will be mailing these to you soon!


We would love to hear what you have to say about these projects and it encourages all of us to keep sharing with you. Let us know you are out there and that you looked at this today.